Please note that all relationships with this element, and all its children will be deleted as well.
What does this mean?
Parent, Children and Cascade deletions
"Children" elements are elements that directly depend on another object (the "parent").
They only have sense in a certain context, and if the context to which they belong is removed, to mantain data meaning and integrity the application provides also the removal of them (now become "orphans").
Take the case of a Travel and of the Events occurred during it.
In this example, deleting a Travel will leave all of its Events meaningless since, taken alone, they would have no context in which to place themselves, nor a way to reach them.
Consequently, the removal of a Travel also causes the elimination - cascading - of all Events that occurred in that Trip.
Note that this operation is not limited to one level of relationship, but proceeds with children of deleted children and so on, until the entire database is freed from unnecessary data.
This lets the user remove all data about a Travel by simply deleting that Travel.
George Forster describes one of the meetings with the natives. When they went ashore, at first they received no response. The natives were preparing to welcome them to their home.
Text on source
However, at our approach, instead of being welcomed by the natives on the shore, we saw none of them, and received no answer when we shouted to them. We landed therefore, and having proceeded to their habitation, soon found the reason of this unusual behaviour. They were preparing to receive us in all their finery, some being already completely adorned, and others still busy in dressing. Their hair was combed, tied on the crown of the head, and anointed with some oil or grease; white feathers were stuck in at the top; some had fillets of white seat hers all round the head, and others wore pieces of an albatross skin, with its fine white down in their ears. Thus fitted out, they shouted at our approach, and received us standing, with marks of friendship and great courtesy.
English translation
p. 141
1773 04 08
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.