Any Travel
Description of Africa by Olfert Dapper edited by John Ogilby
Travels of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa
Chronicles of al-Sūdān (Taʾrīḫ al-Sūdān)
First travel of Diego Can
Chronicles of Songhay Empire's Askyas (Kings)' reigns 1493-1599
Description of Africa by Leo Africanus
Travel of Domenico Trevisan
Travel of Giovanni Battista Perotto
Travel of Filippo Pigafetta from Crete to Egypt and Sinai
Description of Africa by Duarte Lopes and Filippo Pigafetta
Travel of Anonimo Veneziano
Travel of Richard Jobson
First travel of Romano Giovanni Francesco
Travel of Ḥasan bin Aḥmad al-Ḥaymī
Travel of Michelangelo Guattini
Travel of Dionigi de Carli
Travel of Giovanni Antonio Soderini
First part of John Barbot's account of Africa
Second part of John Barbot's account of Africa
Third part of John Barbot's account of Africa
Fourth part of John Barbot's account of Africa
Travel of Girolamo Merolla
Travel of Simon de La Loubère
Travel of François Froger
Travel of Antonio Zucchelli
Travel of Bartolomeo Angeli
Second part of the chevalier des Marchais' travel to Guinea
Travels Into the Inland Parts of Africa by Francis Moore
Travel of Michel Adanson in Senegal
Travel of Vitaliano Donati
First travel of James Cook
Second travel of James Cook
Travel of Georg Forster
Third travel of James Cook
James King completes Cook's third travel
Travel of Louis de Grandpré - first book
Travel of Mungo Park in Western Africa
First travel of Marco Augusto Costanzi in Egypt
Travel of Giovanni Battista Belzoni
Travel of Sarah Parker-Brown
First travel of Girolamo Segato
Travel of Major William Gray in western africa
First travel of Amalia Sola Nizzoli
Second travel of Girolamo Segato
Second travel of Marco Augusto Costanzi in Egypt
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi
Second travel of Amalia Sola Nizzoli
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile
Any Place
'Eua - Tonga (Middleburg island, Eaoowe)
Abu Dôm - Sudan
Abu Kuk - Sudan (Abu-kuka)
Abu Nashabah - Egypt (Abu-neshaby)
Abu Simbel - Egypt
Accra (Acra)
Agadez (Agadès, اغاديز)
Agwanpur (Afqānbūr, Hazār Amrūhā)
Al Kawah - Sudan (Ali-kaka)
Al Maymun - Egypt (Meimond)
Alanya (Alaiye, ʿAlāyā)
Alcalá la Real - Spain (Alcalà la Reale)
Aleppo - Syria
Alexandria - Egypt
Almería - Spain (Armeria)
Almina Wālu
Anchor Island - New Zealand
Angola Coast - Angola
Antalo (Hintalo, Hentalu, Ḥinṭālū)
Antalo area (Hintalo, Ḥinṭālū)
Antinoöpolis - Egypt
Arabi Ababdes - Egypt (Ababdi)
Area between Massawa and Debarwa
Area near Saint Louis, Senegal
Aswan - Egypt
Asyut - Egypt (Siut - Siout)
Athfieh - Egypt (Atafia)
Atiu - Cook Islands (Wateeoo, ʻEnuamanu)
Atlantic Ocean
Avacha Bay - Russia (Awatska Bay)
Awadh (Avadh, Oudh, ʿAwḍ)
Baalbek - Lebanon (Balbec)
Badr (Badr Ḥunayn)
Baghdad (baġdād)
Bahia Buen Suceso (Good Success Bay)
Bahr al-Ghazal - Sudan (Bahar-Gazál)
Bamba - Angola
Bangka Strait - Indonesia (Banca Strait)
Bara (Barha)
Baramos Monastery - Egypt
Barbary Coast (Barbary, Berbery, Berber Coast)
Batavia - Indonesia
Bay of All Saints
Bay of Plenty - Zew Zealand
Beijing (Peking, Ḫān Bāliq)
Beilul (Baylūl)
Beit ed-Dine - Lebanon (Beiteddine)
Bengo river
Beni Suef - Egypt
Berber - Sudan
Bering Sea
Bethlehem - Palestine
Between Delhi and Agwanpur (Dihlī, Afqānbūr, Hazār Amrūhā)
Between Sehwan and Delhi (Sīwasitān)
Between Zaire Province and Uíge Province
Bineou - Mali
Bolghar (Bulghār)
Boma - Congo
Bombi - Angola
Bora Bora - Society Islands (Bolabola)
Botany Bay - Australia
Boulaq - Egypt
Brest - France
Buka - Sudan (Abun-Lo-kamin)
Bukhara (Bukhārā)
Bursa (Prusa, Burṣā)
Bzoummar - Lebanon (Bzomar)
Cabende - Angola
Cabinda - Angola (Caginda, Capinda)
Cabo de Santo Agostinho - Brazil
Cacongo - Africa
Cadiz - Spain (Cadice)
Cádiz-Spain (Cadice)
Cairo - Egypt
Cape Brett - New Zealand (Cape Bret)
Cape Denbigh - Alaska
Cape Kidnappers - New Zealand
Cape of Good Hope
Cape Palliser - New Zeland
Cape Town - South Africa
Cape Verde Islands
Caravaca de la Cruz - Spain (Caravacca)
Cartagena - Spain
Cascade Cove - New Zealand
Cascais - Portugal (Cascai)
Cassangi's Kingdom - Africa
Castel San Giovanni - Italy
Christmas Sound - Tierra del Fuego
Cleveland Bay - Australia
Con Son - Vietnam (Pulo Condore)
Cook Islands
Coral Sea - Australia
Córdoba - Spain (Cordova)
Corfu - Greece
Corosco - Ethiopia (Corosko)
Damietta - Egypt
Daulatabad Fort (Deogiri Fort, دولت آباد)
De-paràn and Morgiak - Sudan
Deal - United Kingdom
Debarwa (Debaroa)
Deir al-Qamar - Lebanon (Der-el-Camar)
Delhi (Dihlī)
Dendera - Egypt (Tentyris)
Dianikassè - Mali (Dhyagh - an - Dappè)
Diarra - Mali
Dilly - Mali
Djenné (Djénné, Jenné, Jenne, جن)
Dondra (Devundara, Dīnawar)
Dongola - Sudan
Dongola Desert - Sudan
Dramané - Mali
Duck Cove - New Zeland
Dusky Sound - New Zealand (Dusky Bay)
Easter Island - Chile (St. Charles's Island)
Eğirdir (Akrīdūr)
El Ghadoora - Sudan (Guerri, Gherri)
El-Arich - Egypt (El-Arish)
Elaphiti Islands - Croatia
Elephantine - Egypt (Geziret Assuan)
Endeavour River - Australia
Entrance of the Rio the Janeiro Bay
Equator (Linea Equatoriale)
Ermopoli - Egypt (Temple of Gournou)
Esna - Egypt (Esneh)
Famagusta - Cyprus
Fayal Island, Azores - Portugal (Faial)
Feodosia (Theodosia, Kefe, al-Kafā)
Ferrara - Italy
Fez - Morocco (Fes, Fesse, Fas)
File Temples - Egypt
Firuzan (Fīrūzān)
Freetown - Sierra Leone
Fuzhou (Fu-chou, Qanjanfū)
Galant Port - Magellan Strait
Gambia River
Ganado - Senegal
Gankaran Kooro - Guinea
Gao (Gawgaw, Kawkaw)
Genoa - Italy (Genova)
Giza - Egypt
Goa (Sandābūr)
Gold coast (Ghana)
Gondokoro - Sudan
Gorée Island - Senegal
Goudiri - Senegal
Gradisca d'Isonzo- Italy (Gradisca- Stiria Province)
Granada - Spain (Granata)
Guembeul - Senegal (Guebenn)
Guemou - Mali
Gulf of Alaska
Gulf of Benin/ Gulf of Guinea - Benin (Rade de Juda)
Gulf of Lion - France (Golfo di Leone)
Gulf of Valencia - Spain (Golfo di Valenza)
Ha'apai - Tonga
Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
Hammana - Lebanon
Hangzhou (Hangchow, Hang Tsei, Hangchou)
Hanover (Dart-mouth)
Hawaii - USA (Sandwich Islands)
Hawke's Bay - New Zealand
Heraklion - Greece (Venetian name: Candia)
Hillah (Hilla, al-Ḥilla)
Hinchinbrook - Alaska
Honnavar (Hinawr)
Huahine - Society Islands (Huaheine)
In a house, near Stellenbosch
In the sea near Cape Lisburne
In the sea toward Cephalonia
In the sea towards Corfu
In the sea towards Smyrna
Indian Island - New Zealand
Isla de los Estados - Argentina (Staten Land)
Istanbul (İstanbul, Constantinople)
Java (Mul Jāwa)
Jerusalem - Israel
Joag -Senegal
Jordan River - Israel
Juba - South Sudan
Kamalia - Mali
Karantaba - The Gambia (Pisania)
Kauai - Hawaii (Atooi)
Kayaye - Gambia
Kealakekua Bay - Hawaii (Karakakooa Bay)
Khajuraho (Kajarrā)
Khartoum - Sudan (Khartum, Chartum)
Kidron Valley - Israel (Cedron)
Kingdom of Kasanze (Cassan)
Kionk - Senegal
Kisrawan District - Lebanon (Kesruan)
Kola - Mali (Karankalla)
Kolor - The Gambia
Koojar - Senegal
Kouniakary - Mali
Koutenabe - Senegal
Kwanza River - Angola (Fiume Coanza)
La Rochelle - France
Lādhiq (Laodicaea on Lycos, Duñuzlu)
Lahari Bandar (Lari Bandar, Lāharī)
Lanzarote (Launcerot)
Le Havre - France
Lemba - Angola
Libatte - Congo (Libatte)
Limassol - Cyprus
Limbambulu - Gambia (Lemaine)
Lisbon - Portugal (Lisboa)
Livorno - Italy
Loangue - Congo
London - England
Long Island - New Zealand
Lorient - France (Port St. Louis)
Luanda - Angola
Luanda- Angola (Loanda)
Luxor - Egypt
M'banza-Kongo - Angola (S. Salvatore)
Madeira (Madera)
Magwi - South of Sudan (Madi)
Mahallat Abu Ali - Egypt
Málaga - Spain
Malakula - Vanuatu (Mallicollo)
Male (Malè, Malé, al-Mahal)
Māllī (Mali)
Mangaia - Cook Islands (Mangeea)
Maryut Lake (Lago Mareotide)
Massawa (Mitsiwa, Maṣṣawaʿ)
Matamba - Congo
Matavai Bay - Tahiti (Port Royal Bay)
Mecca (Makkah al-Mukarrama)
Medina (al-Madīna al-Munawwara)
Medina - The Gambia
Memphis - Egypt
Mercury Bay - New Zealand
Messina - Italy
Minya - Egypt
Mljet - Croatia
Mogadishu (Muqdisho, مُقْدِيشو, Mogadiscio)
Monastery of St. Anthony - Egypt
Moulinè - Mali (Teesee)
Mount Kura
Mount Sinai - Egypt
Naples - Italy
Near Gondokoro - Sudan
Nedi - Egypt
New Caledonia (Nuova Caledonia - Grande Terre)
New Guinea - Melanesia
New Year Island - Australia
New Zealand
Niani (Māllī ?)
Nice - France
Nicosia - Cyprus
Nimule - South of Sudan (Galuffi village)
Nootka Sound - Canada
Norfolk Island
Offshore the Antarctica
Old Cairo - Egypt
Olinda - Brazil (Ollinda)
On the Pacific Ocean off Java
On the road to Aleppo - Syria
Ouidah - Benin (Houéda, Juda, Whidah)
Outside Azov (Azāq)
Outside Gao (Anfao, Anku’u)
Outside Istanbul (İstanbul, Constantinople)
Outside Qarshi (Karshi, Nakhshab, Naḫšab)
Padua - Italy
Pakeba - Gambia
Pakpattan (Ajodhan, Ajūdahan)
Paris - France
Pernambuco - Brazil (Pernabuch)
Persian Gulf
Piacenza - Italy
Plymouth - United Kingdom
Podor - Senegal
Pomba - Angola
Poor Knights - New Zealand
Port of Saint Mary - Spain (Il Porto di Santa Maria)
Portsmouth - United Kingdom
Possession Bay - South Georgia
Poverty Bay - New Zealand
Prince William Sound - Alaska
Pyatigorsk (Bish Dagh)
Pyramid of Khafre - Egypt (Pyramid of Chephren)
Qasr Ibrim - Egypt (Ibrim, Ebrin)
Qena - Egypt (Kenneh, Keneh)
Queen Charlotte Sound - New Zealand (Tōtaranui)
Qus - Egypt
Quseir - Egypt (Cosseir)
Ragusa - Croatia
Raiatea - Society Islands (Ulietea, Raietea)
Rapids Makedo - South of Sudan (Catarata Makedo)
Regno del Portogallo (Portugal)
Regno di Benino (Benin, Dahomey)
Rejaf - South of Sudan (Regief)
River Congo
River Gambia-Africa (Gambia River)
Rosetta - Egypt
Rotterdam Island - Tonga (Anamocka, Namoka-nooee, Namoka)
Saint Anne Islands
Saint Helena Island-British O.T.
Saint Louis - Senegal (Ndar)
Salvador - Brazil (Baija, S. Salvatore)
Saly-Portudal - Senegal
Sama (Sāma)
Santa Margherita Ligure - Italy (S. Margarita)
São Felipe de Benguela , Angola (Benguella)
São Tomé and Príncipe - Africa
Saqqara - Egypt
Savage Island - Polynesia (Niue)
Saye - Mali
Segou - Mali
Senegal territory
Sennar - Sudan
Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy, al-Fanīka)
Shaharah - Yemen (Šahāra)
Sheerness - United Kingdom
Ship Cove - New Zealand
Shiraz (Shīrāz)
Shoubra - Egypt
Shushtar (Tustar)
Sidon - Lebanon (Saida)
Singa - Congo
Slave coast - Benin
Smoky Cape - Australia
Smyrna - Turkey
Soba Al Hilla - Sudan (Soba)
Society Islands
Sohag - Egypt (Suadgi or Suhagi)
Solo - Mali
somewhere close to Canary Islands (Isole Canarie, Le Fortunate)
somewhere close to Canary Islands (Isole Canarie, Le Fortunate)
Somewhere in Africa
Somewhere in the Antarctic Ocean
Somewhere in the Cook's Strait
Somewhere in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
Somewhere near Icy Cape
Somewhere near the New Caledonia
Somewhere near the Three-Hills Islands
Somewhere on the way to Easter Island
Source of Moses - Israel
South Guinea
Soyo - Angola (Sogno)
Soyo, Angola
Spithead - United Kingdom
St. Giorgio Church - Egypt
St. James Fort - The Gambia
Strait of Gibraltar
Suez - Egypt
Sumatra (al-Jāwa, الجاوة)
Tahà - Society Island (Tahaa)
Tahiti - Society Islands (Otaheite, O-Taheitee)
Tahuata - Marquesas Islands (St. Christina)
Tanna - Vanuatu
Tasmania - Australia (Van Diemen's Road)
Telangana (Tiling, Bilād al-Tilink)
Thailand (Siam)
The Groups Islands - Polynesia
Thirsty Sound - Australia
Timbuktu (Tombouctou, Tin Bukt)
to Suakin - Sudan (Sauoakin, Saouakin)
Tolaga Bay - New Zealand
Tonga (Friendly Islands)
Tongatapu - Tonga (Tongataboo)
Torreglia (Toreja)
Tortona - Italy
Town of Cassan
Town of Setico
Trieste - Italy
Tripoli, Lebanon (Ṭarābulus)
Tubuai - Polynesia (Toobouai)
Turin - Italy
Uch (Uch Sharif, Ūjā)
Umbria- Italy
Vaitepiha River - Tahiti (Oaitepeha)
Vanuatu - Melanesia (New Hebrides)
Venice - Italy
Venice - Italy
Voghera - Italy
Volta river - Africa
Wad Madani - Sudan (Ued Medina, Auled-Medeni)
Wadi Halfa - Egypt (Oadi Alfa)
Wadis with running water near Beilul
Wasit (Wāsiṭ)
Wet Jacket Arm - New Zealand
Xavier (Savi)
Zafar (Dhafar, Dhofar, Ẓafār)
Zahlé - Lebanon (Zahle)
Zaire Province, Angola (Provincia di Sogno)
Zakynthos - Greek
Zeidab - Sudan
Zeilah - Somalia (Zeila ; Zaila)
Any Person
Adanson, Michel, 1727-1806
Africanus, Leo, 1485-1554
Anderson, William, 1748-1778
Angeli, Bartolomeo, 1650-1750
Bahman Shāh, Jamāl al-Dīn, -1357
Bahādur Ḫān, Abū Saʿīd, 1305-1335
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820
Barbot, John, 1655-1732
Batelli, Vincenzo, 1786-1858
Bauche, Claude-Jean-Baptiste, 1712-1777
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 1778-1823
Bin Zarqūn, Maḥmūd, -
Bonkana Kirya, Muḥammad, -1559
Bourne, Nicholas, 1658-1660
Brocchi, Giovanni Battista, 1772-1826
Bulmer, William, 1757-1830
Burney, James, 1750-1821
Bāni, Muḥammad, -1588
Can, Diego, 1454-1486
Carrara, Fermo, 1600-1600
Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio, 1621-1678
Cave, Richard, -
Churchill, Awnsham, 1658-1728
Cook, James, 1728-1779
Costanzi, Marco Augusto, 1782-1850
Cusani, Francesco, 1802-1879
Da Pavia, Francesco, -
Da Salesano, Giovanni Battista, -
Da Schio, Alvise, 1909-2006
Dapper, Olfert, 1635-1689
De Carli, Dionigi, 1637-1695
De Grandpré, Louis, 1761-1846
De La Loubère, Simon, 1642-1729
Delafosse, Maurice, 1870-1926
Dentu, Édouard, 1830-1884
Des Marchais, Renaud, 1683-1728
Dias de Novais, Paulo, 1510-1589
Donati, Vitaliano, 1717-1762
Forster, Georg, 1754-1794
Forster, Johann Reinold, 1729-1798
Francese, Martino, -
Froger, François, 1676-1715
Furneaux, Tobias, 1735-1781
Gao, Muhammad, -1592
Giavarina, Bartolomeo, -
Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb, 1895-1971
Giovanni, Francesco, -
Gore, John, 1730-1790
Grassi, Bartolomeo, 1550-1600
Gray, William, 1790-1830
Guattini, Michelangelo, 1637-1668
Hatun, Nilüfer, -1380
Hawkesworth, John, 1720-1773
Haymi, (al-), al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad, 1608-1660
Henry, David, 1709-1792
Hodges, William, 1744-1797
Houdas, Octave Victor, 1840-1916
Hunwick, John Owen, 1936-2015
II, Isḥāq, -1592
Ibn Abī Bakr Ture, Muḥammad, 1443-1538
Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Abū ‘Abd Allāh, 1304-1369
Ibn Dāwūd, Muḥammad al-Ḥajj, -1587
Ibn Juzaiyy, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1321-1356
Ibn Tughluq, Muhammad, 1290-1351
Iltutmish, Shams al-Din, -1236
Jobson, Richard, -
Johnson, Thomas, -
Kati, Maḥmūd, 1468-1552
Keita, Sulayman, -1359
Khan Tarmashirin, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn, -1334
Khwāja, Dimashq, 1300-1327
King, James, 1750-1784
Labat, Jean-Baptiste, 1663-1738
Le Gras, Nicolas, 1633-1719
Lopes, Duarte, 1550-1600
Merolla, Girolamo, 1650-1697
Miani, Giovanni Giacomo, 1810-1872
Monti, Mario, 1925-1999
Moore, Francis, 1708-1756
Murray, John, 1778-1843
Nūḥ, -
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676
Okes, Nicholas, -1645
Omai, 1753-1780
Pagani, Zaccaria, 1450-1550
Park, Mungo, 1771-1806
Parker-Brown, Sarah, 1782-1870
Pellegrini, Giuseppe, 1812-1886
Perotto, Giambattista, 1500-1600
Piccardo, Angelo, -
Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604
Prodocimo, Iseppo, -
Purchas, Samuel, 1575-1626
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557
Romano, Francesco, -
Rossi-Osmida, Gabriele, 1943-2020
Segato, Girolamo, 1792-1836
Soderini, Giovanni Antonio, 1640-1691
Sola Nizzoli, Amalia, 1805-1841
Sparrman, Anders, 1748-1820
Stibbs, Bartholomew, 1600-1724
Sunni, Bāru, -
Trevisan, Domenico, 1446-1535
Trevisan, Marco Antonio, 1475-1554
Veneziano, Anonimo, 1500-1600
Wales, William, 1734-1798
White, Benjamin, 1725-1794
Zucchelli, Antonio, 1663-1716
al-Saʿdī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, 1594-1656
al-Ḥājj, Muḥammad, -1586
al-Ṣādiq, Muḥammad, -1588
de Guevara, Diego, Judar, -1606
van Donzel, Emeri Johannes, 1925-2017
Ṣāliḥ, -
Sound types
Any Sound type
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