Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues
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Description of Africa by Olfert Dapper edited by John Ogilby
2 sounds
1. Noise made with drums and trumpets for the rising of Nilus
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drums
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpets
Travels of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa
138 sounds
1. The Maḥmil procession in Cairo
Other tool > Procession
Voice > Man
3. Qurʾānic cantillation and singing at the mosque
Voice > Crowd
Voice > Man
5. Drums beaten in front of the houses of the two amīrs of Mecca
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
6. Meccans' practice in regard to the Khutba and the Friday service
Other tool > Sword blown against the steps of a pulpit
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > farqaʿa
7. Meccans' practices at the beginning of the months
Voice > Man
8. Meccans' practice in the month of Rajab
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > dabādib
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
9. The ʿUmra al-akamiyya
Voice > Crowd
10. The Meccans' practices in the month of Ramaḍān
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > farqaʿa
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > dabādib (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
11. Music in the rites and acts of the Pilgrimage
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > dabādib (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
12. The Sharīf and the incidents caused by his use of drums
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭabl (sing.), ṭubūl (plur.), aṭbāl (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
13. Ritual chants and dances of the Rifāʿiyya Sufi brotherhood
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > dufūf (plur.)
14. Fire dances of Ḥaydariyya Sufi Order
15. Tustar's Shaykh Noon Prayer customs
Voice > Man
16. People singing merry songs at a funeral
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > mazāmīr (plur.)
17. Account of musical practices in Shīrāz sanctuaries
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Voice > Man
18. The calling upon the "Expected Imām" al-ʿAskarī
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.), aṭbāl (plur.)
Voice > Man
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.), abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
20. Travel customs of the Tatar King of Iraq
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt / ġayṭa
21. Sultan of Delhi's customs when leaving for the hunt
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
22. Friday audiences of the Sultan of Mogadishu
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > aṭbāl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
23. Musical customs of the Zafar's sultan
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
24. Customs of the Akhiyya Brotherhood
Voice > Man
25. Qur'anic cantillation for Akrīdūr's Sultan
Voice > Man
26. Lamentations on the Sultan's dead son
Voice > Crowd
27. Qur'anic cantillation, music and dances at an Anatolian zāwiya
Voice > Man
28. ʿĀšūrāʾ celebration at a prominent zāwiya
Voice > Man
29. Muslim travellers frightened by churches' bells
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > nawāqīs (plur.)
30. Musical performance during the Sultan's meal
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
31. Qur'ānic cantillation and prayers during Ramaḍān
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
32. Celebrations at the end of Ramaḍān
33. The Prince's company journeying towards Constantinople
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > aṭbāl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.), ġayṭāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
34. Reception in the camp outside Constantinople
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > aṭbāl (plur.)
35. Entry into Constantinople the Great
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > nawāqīs (plur.)
36. Custom for the king's guests to be paraded through the city
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > aṭbāl (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
37. Hospitality at a zāwiya in Bukhārā
Voice > Man
38. Description of the Barīd (Postal service)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > miqraʿa + jalājil (plur.)
39. Musical performances during a journey on the river Sind
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.) / ġayṭāt (plur.)
40. Widows' self-burning (Sati) in India
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > aṭbāl (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
41. The night bell for the victims of oppression
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > jaras (sing.)
42. Drums beaten to announce an attack against the prince
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
43. The Sultan's Gates and the ceremonial observed therein
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Voice > Man
44. ʿĪd al-aḍḥā (Feast of sacrifices) Sultan's exit from the palace
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ṣurnāyāt (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
45. How the Sultan holds audience on feast days
Voice > Woman
47. The marriage of the amīr Sayf al-Dīn with the Sultan's sister
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Voice > Man
48. How the Sultan killed the supporters of a rebel malik
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
49. Travelling with singers as entertainers
Voice > Man
51. Yogis sounding a horn at the end of their practices
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > qarn (sing.)
53. The governor's custom of walking accompanied by music
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
54. Naval attack on Goa
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
55. Ifṭār celebration with the Wazīr
Voice > Man
56. An instrument for announcements in Maldives
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > dunqura
57. Women dancing in front of a statue of divinity
59. What the sailors sing on the Pacific Ocean
Voice > Man
60. Welcoming in Fozhou
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
61. Account of the great amīr Qurṭay
62. Celebrations for the death of the ill-favored king
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
64. Account of Mali's Sultan audiences in his cupola
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Musical instruments [ālāt al-ṭarab]
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > aṭbāl (plur.)
65. Ceremony taking place when Sultan reaches the audience hall
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > abwāq (plur.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭubūl (plur.)
Instrument > 321 Lutes > qanābir (plur.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > anfār (plur.)
66. What the Sultan did about the prayer on the Feast days
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones
Instrument > 3 Chordophones > qisiyy (plur.)
67. Account of the way griots (dyeli) recite poetry to the Sultan
Voice > Man
Chronicles of al-Sūdān (Taʾrīḫ al-Sūdān)
20 sounds
1. The askia's messenger shouts during the prayer of imām al-Tuwātī
Voice > Man
2. Tensions between Drum-lords
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
3. Askia Muḥammad Bonkana furbishes his court with music
Voice > Man
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > gabtanda [kabtanda]
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > fotorifo
Voice > Woman
4. Punishment for those who sow discord in Timbuktu
Voice > Man
6. The rebellion's leader reaches Gao sounding horns and drum
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būqāt (plur.)
7. How a trumpet is used in the organisation of a plot
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > būq (sing.)
8. Drums are beaten on the rooftops of Timbuktu
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
9. The volume of voice in front of the askia
Voice > Man
10. Parade and warning for an attempted assault
Other tool > Firing of muskets
Voice > Man
11. Sound of gunfire heard from a distance
Other tool > Firing of muskets
12. Funeral prayer performed on the prayer-ground
Voice > Crowd
13. Sound of gunfire and last battle of Maḥmūd Pasha
Other tool > Firing of muskets
14. The sound of horses trampling on a shield
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ġyāṭa (plur.)
Animal > Horses trampling
15. The time of the Prophet's praises
First travel of Diego Can
2 sounds
1. Meeting the King of Congo with the sound of horns and timpani
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Buccine
Chronicles of Songhay Empire's Askyas (Kings)' reigns 1493-1599
19 sounds
1. The Askias orders the drums to be beaten for war
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
2. The land is worked to the sound of drums and flutes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > dufūf (plur.)
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > mazāmīr (plur.)
3. The Songhanians obtain the kakaki from Ayar (Agadez?)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > kakaki
5. The Askia's proclamation in the mosque of Djenné
Voice > Man
6. The flautists play while the Askiya holds court
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > [mazāmīr (plur.)]
7. The sound of the kakaki announces the kanfāri's arrival
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > kākaki
8. The "drum of authority" played to announce the enthronement
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl al-sulṭana
9. The drum of authority is sounded for the new askia
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl (al-sulṭana)
10. Drums used for specific purposes in battle
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl (sing.), ṭubūl (plur.)
11. The flautists from the caste of the blacksmiths
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > zāmirāt (plur.) [female players]
12. The Askia's proclamation in the mosque of Gao
Voice > Man
14. The Moroccan soldiers praise God loudly
Voice > Crowd
15. A specific drum is made for the "official of adultery" in Gao
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
16. The askia the drum to be beaten for leaving
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > ṭabl. (sing.)
17. The askia is saluted with rifles and musical instruments
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > ġyāṭ (sing.)
Instrument > 321 Lutes > rabāb (sing.)
18. The incitements shouted by the leader of the Moroccan army
Voice > Man
Travel of Domenico Trevisan
16 sounds
1. In Rosetta they welcome Trevisan with drums and trumpets
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburlo"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
2. Trumpets at Trevisan's Cairo accommodation
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
3. The audience at the Sultan's palace
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Nachere"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Cimbali grandi
4. Nightingales in the Sultan's garden
Animal > Nightingales
5. Music in the castle admiral's room to Domenico Trevisan
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Fiauti"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Cymbani"
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Brochieri di ferro"
6. Eight trumpeters sound at the front door
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trompeta"
7. Eight trumpets play in the presence of Mr. Sultan
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trombeti"
8. Shouts from the bell tower of the mosques
Voice > Man
9. Music upon returning to Venice
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trompeta"
Travel of Giovanni Battista Perotto
8 sounds
1. The different languages
2. Mass sings in Jerusalem
3. Listening to an offertory always at the new church in Jerusalem
4. The stone where the rooster sang when St. Peter denied Christ
Animal > Rooster
5. Different sounds during Easter celebration days
6. "Gloria in excelsis Deo" sung by the shepherds
7. Some houses are associated with prayers
8. Hear a Mass for the feast of St Mark
Travel of Filippo Pigafetta from Crete to Egypt and Sinai
57 sounds
1. Artillery shots at the departure of the galley
Other tool > Artillery
2. Musical accompaniment and singing in the Coptic Mass
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Bastoni
Voice > Man
3. Call to prayer of the muezzin
Voice > Man
4. Women's songs and dances in the gardens outside Alexandria
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
5. Sailors salute by singing Rosetta
6. Shouts of defense against thieves
7. Music and songs of the Nile flood festival
8. Dancers, players and singers in the Nile trench
Dance > Dance for the Nile flood festival
9. Sounds and songs of the peoples going to see the Nile's flooding
10. Sounds, chants and shouts preceding the cutting of the "Khalīj"
Animal > Horses
Other tool > Artillery
11. Shouts and chants of neighborhood watchmen in the night
12. Men shout in the street for garbage collection
13. The sound of donkey chains
Noise > Chains
14. Women's voices perform the zaġrūṭa
Voice > Woman
15. Songs and dances of Bedouin women
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Cimbali
Voice > Woman
Dance > Bedouin women dance with cymbals
16. Moorish and belly dance
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Cembalo
Dance > Moorish dance
17. Birdsong
Animal > Birds
18. The market, shouting and the art of negotiation
19. The camel bells of the procession to Mecca
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanelli
20. Songs and sounds of the procession to Mecca
Dance > Jumps
21. The clamor of the people during the procession to Mecca
22. Poets and singers follow the caravan to Mecca
23. The sound of a burial at the Pyramids of Giza
Noise > Wall
24. The way of speaking
25. Military exercises on horseback with shouting
26. The use of the drums in war
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
27. The verses of camels
Animal > Camel
28. Song of the camel drivers
Voice > Man
29. Singing of the Psalm of Mary
30. Camel drivers' songs around the fire
Voice > Man
31. A comparison of the singing style of the Arabs and the Spanish
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Chitara"
Voice > Man
32. Singing, sounding of castanets and dancing of Arab females
Dance > Dance of women
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Cimbali
33. The sound of Archibugi's gunfire
Other tool > Artillery
34. The friar's camel could no longer hear
Animal > Camel
35. The sound of castanets at specific hours
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
36. The songs of the sailors
Voice > Man
Description of Africa by Duarte Lopes and Filippo Pigafetta
4 sounds
3. War sounds and music produced by soldiers from Congo
Instrument > Struck Idiophones > Campana inversa, di piastre di ferro sottili, mazzuolo legno.
Instrument > Struck Membraphones > nacchere grandi (legno d'albero, cuoio, magli d'avorio)
Instrument > Trumpets > "denti di Liofante cavati"
4. Dresses with bells of Mociconghi warriors
Instrument > Struck Idiophones > campanelle
Travel of Anonimo Veneziano
5 sounds
1. Painted in burial with musical instruments, dancing and singing
2. Carved drawings of dancers and players
Travel of Richard Jobson
15 sounds
1. Noises from the People of the River Gambra
Voice > Crowd
2. War drums of the Kingdom of Cassan
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > war drums
3. Funeral of the Mary-brucke
Voice > Woman
4. The White Man's Thunder
Noise > shooting
5. Party at the house of Buckor Sano
Dance > Celebratory dance
6. Description of the instruments of River Gambia pt. 1
Instrument > 323 Harp Lutes
7. Description of the instruments of River Gambia pt. 2
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Ballard
8. Circumcision celebration
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > drummes
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Ballard
9. Description of the Ho-re
Voice > Man
10. Roaring of the lion
Animal > Lion roaring
First travel of Romano Giovanni Francesco
2 sounds
3. Natives of Congo dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > tamburi
4. Description of instruments in Kingdom of Congo
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones
Travel of Ḥasan bin Aḥmad al-Ḥaymī
8 sounds
1. Muskets fired to frighten local nomads
Other tool > Firing of muskets
2. Islamic congregational prayer and sermon in the town's cemetery
Voice > Man
3. Elephants' noises and muskets firing
Animal > Drinking
Other tool > Firing of muskets
4. Naqqāra beaten for a joyous occasion
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > naqqāra
5. Muskets fired to frighten local nomads called Gallas
Other tool > Firing of muskets
6. Islamic congregational prayer performed in the village's square
Voice > Crowd
7. Muskets fired against local nomads
Other tool > Firing of muskets
Travel of Michelangelo Guattini
9 sounds
1. Sounds of trumpets and flutes
Noise > Artillery Shots
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > Pifferi
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
2. Chorus of voices singing hymns
Voice > Crowd
4. Fleet of ships in the harbor
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
5. Liturgical chants
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Viole
Instrument > 322 Harps > Arpe
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Cornetti
Travel of Dionigi de Carli
20 sounds
6. Description of the balafon
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones
Voice > Crowd
7. Roar of lions
Animal > Roar of lions
8. Lion's roar
Animal > Roar of one lion
9. Celebration of a baptism
Voice > Crowd
10. Sound of a bell
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Campana
11. Description of a bird
Animal > Cry of a bird
12. A choir of voices
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Campana
Voice > Crowd
13. Some voices in the darkness
Voice > Crowd
14. Laments
Voice > Crowd
15. A moment of celebration
Noise > Artillery Shots
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Campane
16. An other typical day on the vessel
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Fischetto
17. An uproar of a prisoner
Noise > Uproar
18. Some cannonballs
Noise > Cannonballs
19. Winds
Natural > Storm
Travel of Giovanni Antonio Soderini
33 sounds
1. Terrible thunder is heard while it rains
Natural > Thunder
2. The annoying cry of crows
Animal > Crows
3. The silence of the midges
Animal > Midges
4. Mention of Turkish muezzins
Voice > Man
5. Songs and shouts of wonder with text the Kyrie
Voice > Woman
6. Presence of musicians at a wedding
Dance > Greek dances
7. Wedding dances
Dance > Dancing at a wedding
8. Cries of the Reis en route to Corfu
Voice > Man
9. The sailors' confusion
Voice > Man
10. The songs for the growth of the Nile
11. The guards' shouts at night
Voice > Man
12. Janissaries shouting at two men who appeared to be thieves
Voice > Man
13. Women's howls over a dead child
Voice > Woman
14. The shouts of the muezzins from the steeples
Voice > Man
15. The times of the call to prayer of the muezzin
Voice > Man
16. Dogs howl and make noise
Animal > Dogs
17. Zaġrūṭa of women and saints' cries chanting "Hù Hù"
Voice > Man
Voice > Woman
18. The saints sing "Hù Hù" in the sacred procession to Mecca
Voice > Man
19. Drummers representing schools in the procession to Mecca
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
20. The announcement that the Nile has reached its mark
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
Voice > Man
21. Drummers and flutes accompany the cutting of the Khalīj
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Pifferi
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
22. Funeral ceremony with dancing and singing
Voice > Man
Dance > Dance of women at a funeral
23. Organ Music at Mass for St. Francis Day
Instrument > 412 Interruptive free Aerophones > Organo
24. Pedestal where the cock crowed that made St Peter repent
Animal > Rooster
25. The sound of a bell interrupts the prayer
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campana
First part of John Barbot's account of Africa
29 sounds
1. Sweet tone of parrots
Animal > Bird
2. Whistling language
3. Marriage customs
Voice > Man
4. Musical instruments in war
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Lomlambe
5. Musical instruments goods for trade
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
6. Superstition and whitchcraft
Voice > Man
7. Voices and sounds during funerals
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Cutlace
8. Sleeping, dancing and wrestling
Body > Beating feet on the ground
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Calabash
Dance > Round dance
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Kettle
Body > Clapping hands
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
9. Ramadan and feasting
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
10. A visit paid to Conde, the Viceroy
Voice > Man
11. Griot's musical instruments
Instrument > 32 Composite Chordophones > Lute
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Balafè
Instrument > 32 Composite Chordophones > Timbrel
12. Religion: using voice to ward off the devil
Voice > Woman
13. Singing during Muhammad's great feasts
Voice > Crowd
14. Voices in John Baptists and other saints’s feast
Voice > Crowd
15. The way kings adorn themselves
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
16. Musical instruments and voices at the burial of the king.
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Hautboy
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Flute
Second part of John Barbot's account of Africa
21 sounds
1. A public institution to learn performative arts
2. Justice with masked advocates
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
3. Killing a leopard
Other tool
4. Superstition about a bird
Animal > Bird
5. Singing flies
Animal > Flie
6. Naming ceremony for a newborn baby
Instrument > Musical instrument
7. Beating drums when someone is accused of misdemeanor
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
8. The arrival of the ambassador between dance and music
9. Spirits saving a man during hunt and the feast
10. The sect of the Belly: a school to learn also dance and music
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
11. Voices and noise during punishment of adultery
Other tool > Noise with a scraper
Voice > Crowd
12. Men wearing jingling ornaments
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
13. Hearing voices during funerals
Noise > Noise of people
Voice > Crowd
Third part of John Barbot's account of Africa
56 sounds
1. Sweet harmony of birds
Animal > Bird
2. Bird with hollow and piercing voice
Animal > Bird
3. Singing insects called ‘cigarras’
Animal > Cigarra
7. Degrees in Black society: presence of music in the ceremony
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
8. Musical instruments and special consecration customs
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
9. Elephant tusks as musical instruments
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
10. Smiths of Gold Coast
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
12. King’s drum and other types of drums
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
13. List of musical instruments drawn by the author
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
Instrument > 32 Composite Chordophones > Cittern
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Flute
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Castagnet
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Kettle
14. Women singing together
Voice > Crowd
15. Instruments, musicians, voices, dance at the market place
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
Body > Snapping fingers
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 32 Composite Chordophones > Gittern
Body > Beating feet on the ground
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > Bell
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Flute
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
Voice > Crowd
Other tool > Wooden snapper
16. Feast made by the Danish general
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Horn
17. Hearing voices and musical instruments during funerals
Instrument > Percussion
Voice > Crowd
19. Arrival of the king
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
20. Music and war
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > National great drum
21. Voices during punishments
Voice > Crowd
23. Music in their manner of worship
Instrument > Musical instruments
Voice > Crowd
24. Begging success of idols
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
Voice > Crowd
Body > Clapping hands
25. Voice of the priest consulting the idol
26. Worship in groves with drums
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Timbrel
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
27. Singing, dancing, howling when they banish the devil
Voice > Crowd
Fourth part of John Barbot's account of Africa
2 sounds
2. Dancing and singing around the grave
Travel of Girolamo Merolla
68 sounds
1. Girolamo Merolla sing the Rosario and Litanie during the voyage
2. Brasilian people sing Messa and Vespero
3. People cummunicate by whistles near Cape of Good Hope
Voice > Other
4. Cannibals dance
5. In Loanda, Girolamo Merolla and population sing Te Deum laudamus
Body > clapping hands
6. Merolla reports a Te Deum laudamus accompanied by instruments
Instrument > Musici
7. Merolla uses a bell during a Mass
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > campanello
8. A witch in Soyo/Sogno announced by a drum
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburo
9. Sings, sounds and dances for Simantamba
Instrument > suoni
Voice > Crowd
10. The cock of Simantamba
Animal > cock
11. In Capuchin Missions friars have to sing the Litanie
12. Rattle-belt for babies growing
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > sonaglio, campanella
13. Another event for the singing of Litanie
14. Celebrations for the victory of a dispute
Instrument > suoni, sinfonie
Voice > Crowd
15. Emperor Cassangi's Birthday party
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > moltitudine de' musicali strumenti
16. Musical instruments accompanying the Count of Sogno
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Longa
Instrument > 13 Friction Idiophones > Cassuto
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > sonagli
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Ngamba
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Marimba
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburi grandi e guerreschi
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Quilondo
Voice > Man
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Nsambi
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Embuchi
Instrument > 42 Non-free Aerophones (wind instruments proper) > piffaro per soprano
17. Religious celebrations during festivals
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburi
Other tool > salve di moschetti
18. White birds dancing
Animal > Geese dance
Instrument > stromento
19. The birds who sings the name of Christ
Animal > bird sings
20. The birds says honey
Animal > bird verse
21. How to ward off a tiger
Instrument > più stromenti
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburo
22. Easter with the Count of Sogno
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > istrumenti
23. Fights in the same city between bands
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > tamburi
24. Meeting some women in Caginda Port
Body > clapping hands
25. Angry slaves want their pay
Body > clapping hands and slamming feet
26. Welcome while arriving in Lemba
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > trombe
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburi
27. Merolla at the Court of the King of Kongo
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > trombe
Instrument > strepitosi stromenti
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > timpani
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburi
Body > clapping hands
28. Singing the Rosario in Lemba
29. Honours for the Marquis of Mattari
Instrument > strepiti delli variati istromenti
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburi
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > trombe
Other tool > scoppio de' moschetti
30. Funeral party in the territory of Cacongo
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > tamburo
31. Collective sacrifice in the Kingdom of Benin
Instrument > suoni, e tripudj
Voice > Crowd
Travel of Simon de La Loubère
1 sounds
1. Music in Siam and its characteristics
Travel of François Froger
14 sounds
1. Cannon shot
Other tool > Cannon
2. Feminine weeping over the burial of leading Marabours
Voice > Woman
3. Three cannon shots
Other tool > Cannon
4. Chaplains of the squadron sing the "Te Deum"
Voice > Crowd
Other tool > Cannon
5. Description of the Balafo Instrument
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Balafo
6. Birds singing
Animal > Birds singing
7. Savages shouts
Voice > Crowd
8. Funeral mass
Other tool > Cannon
Voice > Crowd
9. Procession du saint Sacrement and Jesuit mass
Dance > unknown local dance
Voice > Crowd
10. Seven cannon shots
Other tool > Cannon
11. Sermon of a french capuchin
Voice > Man
Travel of Antonio Zucchelli
25 sounds
1. The tradition associated with crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
Instrument > 423 Trumpets
2. Description of religious chants in Spain.
Voice > Crowd
3. Prayers and religious chants on a Portuguese Ship.
Voice > Crowd
4. Chants of people as they are being sold as slaves.
Voice > Crowd
5. Description of the musical instrument marimba.
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > marimba
6. Marimbas and drums.
Instrument > 2 Membranophones
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
7. The arrival in Loanda of the ambassador from the Kasanze Kingdom
Instrument > 423 Trumpets
Instrument > 4 Aerophones
Dance > accompanying dances for the ambassador
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
Voice > Crowd
8. Descriptions of chants of the people of the desert.
Voice > Crowd
9. Group of musicians and musketeers
Other tool > Sound of muskets.
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 423 Trumpets
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
10. Prince of the County of Songo and his entourage
Instrument > 423 Trumpets
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > timpano
Other tool > Sound of muskets.
Body > Hand clapping
11. Funeral dirge called "Chioro"
Voice > Crowd
Second part of the chevalier des Marchais' travel to Guinea
89 sounds
1. Salute cannon shots between vessels
Other tool > Cannon shots
2. Description of salute between vessels with cannon shot and voice
Other tool > Cannon shots
Voice > Man
3. Ocean noise
Natural > Ocean waves
4. Audience of a Grand (nobleman of Juda) with the King of Juda
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Other tool > Gun shots
5. The Grand leaves the audience with the King
Other tool > Gun shots
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
6. The chevalier des Marchais greets the king of Judah
Other tool > Cannon shots
7. Announcement to the people of the King's coronation ceremony
Voice > Man
Other tool > Cannon shots
8. Ceremony for the Serpent God for the coronation of the King
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Voice > Man
Other tool > Cannon shots
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Other tool > Mortar shots
Other tool > Gun shots
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
9. The Grand of Ardres arrives at Xavier for the coronation
Voice > Woman
Other tool > Gun shots
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Other tool > Cannon shots
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
10. Illustration of the coronation ceremony of the King of Juda
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
11. Description of the coronation ceremony of the king of Juda
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Other tool > Cannon shots
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Voice > Man
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Other tool > Gun shots
12. The King's wives leave the royal palace
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Instrument > 22 Plucked Membranophones > Tambours
13. When Company directors or ship captains meet the King of Juda
Other tool > Cannon shots
14. Announcement to the people of the new King
Other tool > Cannon shots
15. Announcement to the people of funeral of the deceased King
Voice > Man
Other tool > Cannon shots
16. Songs and dances for the cultivation of the fields
Voice > Man
17. Opening of the slave trade
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Gongon
Other tool > Cannon shots
18. Music on the ships that brought slaves to America
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
20. Sound of the gongon to decide on the punishment of a crime
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Gongon
21. Kidnapping of little girls to consecrate them to the Serpent God
Voice > Woman
22. Dances and songs taught to girls to honor the Serpent God
Voice > Woman
23. Marriage of the Serpent God with the consecrated girls
Voice > Woman
24. Procession in honor of the great Serpent
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Body > Clap hands
Other tool > Gun shots
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Voice > Man
26. Procession at the Eufrate River
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
27. Greeting ceremonies
Body > clap hands
28. Music in the war
Voice > Man
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Other tool > Gun shots
31. Music during the cultivation of the fields
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Voice > Man
Other tool > Cannon shots
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flutes
32. Description of the birds of the kingdom of Juda
Animal > Birds
33. Description of the birds of the kingdom of Juda 2: parrots
Animal > Parrots
34. European Directors on the road
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trompettes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Voice > Man
35. Black people pray to the Christian God
Voice > Man
Voice > Woman
Travels Into the Inland Parts of Africa by Francis Moore
4 sounds
2. Balafeu in Nackway
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Balafeu
3. A particular moon eclipse and a strict tradition
Voice > Man
4. The Priest of the Mosque
Voice > Man
Travel of Michel Adanson in Senegal
25 sounds
1. Joyful dance to the sound of sabar drums
Dance > Sabar dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambour
2. Babys' cries at the sight of the white traveler
Voice > Child
3. Very loud bird
Animal > Squaller outcry
4. Death of a young woman in Saly-Portudal
Voice > Crowd
Voice > Woman
5. Funeral dance in Saly-Portudal
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
6. Hippopotamus neighing
Animal > Hippopotamus
7. People cry at the killing of a viper
Voice > Crowd
8. Birds singing is echoed by the trees
Animal > Kingfisher sing
9. Great dance and worksong in the fields of Saint Louis
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Dance > Fiedlwork dance
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > Flutes
10. Wolof men singing on a pirogue
Voice > Crowd
11. Scarecrows in Kionk
Noise > Rattling
12. Farmers hollowing and clapping their hands in Kionk
Body > Clap of hands
Voice > Crowd
13. Great celebration during the Tabaske festivity
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambours
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > flutes
14. Dance in Guembeul
Voice > Crowd
Travel of Vitaliano Donati
47 sounds
1. The muezzins of a Mosque
Voice > Man
2. Governor of the Egyptian colonies plays the drum
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
3. The earthquake felt on February 13, 1756
Natural > Earthquake
4. The seductive singing of a young woman
Voice > Woman
5. The presence of drums in the procession
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
6. The singing of quails
Animal > Quails
7. The wall of the pyramid chamber rings like a bell
Other tool > Wall
8. The cry of a bird
Animal > Bird
9. Sounds, songs and dances of a wedding
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Cimbali
10. The musical instruments of Egypt
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > "Arzgun"
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > "Santir"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Nay"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Niffir"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Sceibie"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tubbele"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Tamr"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tubuli" or "Marsa el Pie"
11. The dancers want a coin for their dance
Dance > Dance of women
12. Dancers and their payment
Dance > Dance of women
13. The profession of dancers or singers
Dance > Dance of women
Voice > Woman
14. Musical instruments and dance, even in Ramadan
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > "Argun"
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > "Sautir"
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Rebabe"
15. Music and dance in wedding processions
Dance > Dancing at a wedding
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburri"
16. Celebrations and dancing during the flooding of the Nile
Dance > Dance of men
Dance > Dance of women
17. Sword dance of two dancers
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > "Flauto a due"
Dance > Male sword dance
18. Instruction in music, singing and dancing for boys and girls
19. The musical instruments of the Ramadan procession
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburri"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Bacine di ottone"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trombette"
20. Music in the procession of the dowry to the groom's house
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburri"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Cimbali
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trombette"
21. Term dance in dictionary
First travel of James Cook
85 sounds
1. Ceremonies performed by a native on board
Voice > Man
2. An expedtion through the country
Voice > Man
3. Vociferation by natives
4. Dogs' bark
Animal > dog
5. Natives and ship's crew shouting each other
6. Mr. Banks make some noise
Other tool > firelock
7. Music performance
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > flutes
8. Natives shouting
Voice > Crowd
9. A wrestling match
Dance > Men dance
Body > forearm strucked
10. The "heiva"
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > flutes
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
11. A prayer during a funeral ceremony
Voice > Man
12. Travelling musicians
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > flutes
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
14. A girl's lamentations while getting tattoed
Voice > Woman
15. Description of musical instruments
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > flute
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drum
16. The "Pehay" (songs of the natives)
17. The "Timorodee" dance
Dance > girls dance
18. Funeral ceremonies in Otaheite: lamentations and prayers
Voice > Man
19. Funeral ceremonies in Otaheite: prayers by the priest
Voice > Man
20. A prayer by the natives
Voice > Man
21. A gun fired frightens the natives
Other tool > gun
22. Signal by guns and musket firing
Other tool > guns
Other tool > musket
23. Native's dance
Dance > one man dance
24. Meeting with a company of dancers: description of the company
Voice > Man
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
25. Defiance dance
Voice > Man
Dance > defiance dance
26. Natives' prayers
27. Natives' voices
28. Natives singing
29. Voices from the shore
30. Natives on board singing and dancing
31. Sort of ceremony by four natives on a canoe
Voice > Man
32. Natives' war-song
Voice > Man
33. War-song
34. Natives performing the song of defiance
35. Defiance song
Voice > Man
36. War-song
37. Natives sing the war-song
38. Performance of fighting by the natives
Dance > war dance
39. War-song by the natives
Voice > Man
40. Natives sing the defiance song
41. Natives singing
Voice > Crowd
42. Birds singing
Animal > birds
43. Birds stop singing because of the rain
Animal > birds
44. Description of the war-dance
Dance > war dance
45. Songs of the new zealanders
Voice > Woman
46. The musical instruments
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > wooden pipe
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Triton's trumpet
47. Natives shout
Voice > Man
48. A thunder
Natural > thunder
49. Voices of the natives
50. A native shouts in the dark
51. Shouting between natives and the crew
52. Natives hear a shot
Other tool > musket
53. The roaring of the surf
Natural > sea
54. Natives shouting
55. Natives shouting defiance
56. A storm with thunder and lightning
Natural > explosion
Natural > thunder
57. Rain and thunder
Natural > thunder
58. Frogs croak
Animal > frogs
59. Another ship salutes with cheers
Voice > Crowd
60. Ceremony for crocodiles
61. Natives' songs and dances
Second travel of James Cook
54 sounds
1. Ice cracking
Natural > ice
2. Penguins noise
Animal > penguins
3. Ice cracking
Natural > ice
4. A woman dances
5. Music from the ship
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > fife
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > bagpipes
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drum
6. Blue peterels noise
Animal > birds
7. A noise by the natives
8. Ducks noise
Animal > ducks
9. Noise heard from people and dogs
Animal > dogs
10. The reunion of the two ships
Other tool > guns
11. A lamentation for Tupia
12. Some entertainment by the English
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > bag-pipes
13. Natives dance
14. Dramatic play by the natives, the "heava"
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
15. A great noise from the shore
16. Natives pray and outcry
17. Performance of a "haeva"
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
18. Thunder
Natural > thunder
19. Acclamations by the natives
Voice > Crowd
20. Some music by the English and the natives
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > bagpipes
Voice > Woman
21. Musical diversions among the natives
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > flute
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > drum
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Doric pipe
22. Natives in a canoe playing a drum
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > drum
23. Penguins noise
Animal > penguins
24. Thunder, lightning and rain
Natural > thunder
25. Seeing the native warriors
Voice > Crowd
26. Women lamenting
Voice > Woman
27. "Mididdij Harramy" play
28. Drums from the shore
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
29. Drums and dancing
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
Noise > oars
30. Volcano eruption
Natural > volcano
31. Muskets heard from the woods
Other tool > musket
32. Another eruption of the volcano
Natural > volcano
33. A noise from the woods
34. Navigation around Malakula and voices of the natives
35. Crowing of cocks
Animal > cocks
36. Report of the muskets
Other tool > muskets
37. Sea lions noise
Animal > sea lions
38. Animals noise
Animal > sea bear
Animal > sea lion
39. Geese noise
Animal > goose
40. Natives howling
41. Voices of the natives
42. Natives talking
Travel of Georg Forster
225 sounds
1. Work songs and evening dances in Madeira
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Guittar
2. Singing, dancing and playing the lute in Cape of Good Hope
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lute
Voice > Woman
3. Sounds of the storm towards the Antarctic Circle
Natural > Waves
Natural > Storm
4. Water running through the night
Noise > Water
5. The jingling of a bell on the Adventure
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Bell
Natural > Silence
6. Savage noise on Christmas day
Noise > Savage
7. Notes of the birds in Dusky Bay
Animal > Birds
8. Natives scream in the so called Indian Island
Voice > Man
9. Dancing woman at Duck Cove
Dance > Woman dance
Voice > Woman
10. Shouting to the natives
Voice > Man
Voice > Crowd
11. The sounds of Cascade Cove
Natural > Cascade
Animal > Creepers
Natural > Wattle-birds
Animal > Thrushes
12. Birds singing at Cascade Cove
Animal > Birds
13. A new meeting with the natives
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > Bagpipe
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Fife
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drum
14. Petrels sounds
Animal > Petrels
15. The piteous howling of a dog
Animal > Dog
16. The silence of the lake up the hill at Dusky Bay
Animal > Common birds
Natural > Silence
17. Men's ritual ceremony at Dusky Bay
Voice > Man
18. Shouting natives at Dusky Bay
Voice > Crowd
19. Peace and friendship ceremony at Dusky Bay
Voice > Man
20. The sounds of civilization at Dusky Bay
Noise > Works
Natural > Rivulet
21. The sounds of the storm at Wet Jacket Arm
Natural > Tree
Natural > Waves
Natural > Thunder-clap
Natural > Explosion
22. The reunion with the Adventure
Other tool > Guns
Other tool > Guns
23. The effects of liquor on a young native
Voice > Man
24. Heiva dance at Queen Charlotte's Sound
Body > Stamping with feet
Voice > Man
Dance > Heiva
Voice > Other
25. Teiratu's oration at Queen Charlotte Sound
Voice > Man
26. Some musical instruments of the natives
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet, or tube of wood
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpet
27. Firing vollies and hearty cheers
Other tool > Firing vollies
Voice > Crowd
28. Tayo welcome sound
Voice > Crowd
29. Squeaking pigs at Whaï-Urua
Animal > Pigs
30. Animals noises
Animal > Clamours
31. Birdsong at Tiarraboo
Animal > Birds
32. Fabric manufacture in the woods
Animal > Small birds
Noise > Loud noise
33. Waterfall noise and whistling birds
Animal > Birds
Natural > Waterfall
34. Nose flute and voice in Tahiti
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute made of bamboo
Voice > Man
35. The first encounter with the king O-Aheatua 1
Voice > Crowd
36. The first encounter with the king O-Aheatua 2
Noise > Crowd
Other tool > Blows with a stick
Voice > Man
37. The surprising noise of a watch
Noise > Clock hands
38. Bagpipe's uncouth music
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > Bagpipe
39. Bagpipe playing for the king
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > Bag-pipe
40. Nose flute music and dances on the forecastle
Dance > Women dance
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute
41. Dramatic dance performed by the sister of the king
Dance > Dramatic dance
42. Great noise on shore
Noise > Great noise
43. Shouting native
Voice > Man
44. The murmuring of the river
Natural > River
45. The bagpiper playing for the king
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > Bagpipe
46. Rare barking of dogs in Huahine
Animal > Dogs
Animal > Dogs
47. Native enjoyment for bagpipe music
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > Bagpipe
48. Dramatic dance or heèva in Raietea
Dance > Heèva, women dance
49. Another heèva at the chief's house
Dance > Heèva or public dance
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drums
50. Detailed description of a Heeva
Dance > Heeva
Dance > Graceful movement of arms
Dance > Men drama
Voice > Man
Dance > Frightful movement of mouth
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums of different size
Dance > Elegant gesticulation of fingers
Voice > Man
51. The performance of another Heeva
Dance > Heeva
52. Behind the scenes of a heeva
Dance > Heeva - behind the scenes
53. Heeva dance at Tahà
Dance > Heeva or public dance
Dance > Pantomime drama
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drums
54. A pleasant song heard in Tonga
Voice > Woman
Body > Snapping second finger-thumb
55. Welcoming shouts of the natives
Voice > Crowd
56. Twittering of birds and cooing doves
Animal > Birds
Animal > Doves
57. Joyful songs of the feathered tribe
Animal > Feathered tribe
58. The shrill cry of bats
Animal > Bats
59. Description of some new musical instruments
Body > Snapping fingers
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > New musical instrument
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute of bamboo-reed
60. Noisy swimming of the natives
Noise > Swimming
61. Shooting at the thief
Other tool > Balls whistling
Other tool > Gun shots
62. Women singing on the shore and native dances
Dance > Dramatic type of dance
Voice > Woman
Voice > Woman
63. Heeva or warlike dance
Body > Stamping with the feet
Dance > Heeva or warlike dance
64. The sounds of the storm in Cook's Strait
Voice > Man
Noise > Rolling motion
Natural > Winds
Noise > Creaking timbers
Natural > Ocean
Natural > Waves
65. The sweet melody of the birds
Animal > Birds
66. The sounds of petrels on Long Island
Animal > Petrels
67. Croaking penguins
Animal > Penguins
68. Seabird screams at Easter Island
Animal > Seabirds
69. Heeva dance on board
Dance > Heeva
70. Observations on the amusements of Easter Islanders
71. Drums playing in St. Christina Island
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
72. Natives dancing on the deck
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > Drums
73. A powerful thunder
Natural > Thunder-clap
74. The ringing of the ship's bell
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Ship's bell
75. Women dancing on the Resolution
Dance > Women dance
76. Firing a cannon to salute Tahiti
Other tool > Cannon
77. Tahitian amusements
Animal > Birds
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute
78. Arreoys amusements
79. Dramatic dance during the second stay in Raiatea
Other tool > Smack
Dance > Dramatic dance
80. Another heeva in Raiatea
Dance > Heeva dance
81. Poyadua dance and Arreoys effects on the islanders
Body > Vibration of the fingers
Body > Motion of the arms
Dance > Dramatic entertainments
Body > Contortions of the mouth
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flute
82. Women singing religious couplets
Voice > Woman
83. Salute guns
Other tool > Guns
84. Screaming natives on Savage Island
Voice > Crowd
Noise > Tumble
85. Furious shouts on Savage Island
Voice > Man
86. Wounded indigenous on Savage Island
Voice > Man
87. The sound of the waves near the island of Rotterdam
Natural > Breakers
88. Gunshots to alarm
Other tool > Guns
90. Drumming and dancing on the shore
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
91. A musket fired from the Resolution
Other tool > Musket
92. Drums beating as an alarm signal
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
93. Voices from a plantation
Voice > Child
Voice > Woman
94. Squeaking pigs
Animal > Pigs
95. Drumming and dancing among the trees
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
96. Considerations on the music traditions of Mallicollo
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Whistles
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Pipes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
97. Waves crashing
Natural > Waves
98. Smoking volcano
Noise > Deep rumbling
99. Volcano explosion on Tanna Island
Natural > Like Thunder
Noise > Rumbling
100. Dancing natives on Tanna Island
101. Musket being fired on the shore
Other tool > Musket
102. Waves beating on the shore
Natural > Waves
103. Voices from the woods
Voice > Child
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
104. Twittering birds
Animal > Birds
105. Loud volcano
Natural > Volcano
106. Blowing conchs as an alarm
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Conchs
107. Lamentation coming from the Island
108. Thundering volcano
Natural > Volcano
109. Man cutting down a tree
Other tool > Hatchet
110. A musical exchange with the native people of Tanna
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes
Voice > Man
111. Purchases of musical instruments
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Pipes of eight reeds
112. Irromanga's man singing
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Dance > Gesticulations
113. Unreachable volcano
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Conchs
Body > Blowing into hand
Voice > Man
114. Musket fired on the beach
Other tool > Musket
115. Singing to the natives
Voice > Man
116. Work song on Tanna Island
Voice > Man
117. Birdsong on Tanna Island
Animal > Birds
118. Approaching steps
Noise > Steps
120. Twittering birds
Animal > Birds
121. A kind of musical instrument of New Caledonia
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Kind of whistle
123. Sibiling meteor
Natural > Meteor
124. Birdsong on Norfolk Island
Animal > Birds
125. Feathered songsters choir
Animal > Birds
126. Some considerations and examples of New Zealand music
127. Lamentantion for the death of Topaya
128. Twittering birds
Animal > Birds
129. Sea lion sound
Animal > Male sea lions
Animal > Sea lions' cubs
Noise > Sea lions
Animal > Female sea lions
130. Captain Cook's possession ceremony
Noise > Rocks
Other tool > Musket
131. Rocks creaking
Natural > Rocks creaking
132. Carts noise
Noise > Carts
133. Enchanting birdsong
Animal > Birds
Third travel of James Cook
122 sounds
1. Music in convivial moments
2. Birds singing
Animal > birds
3. War song
4. How they cry for their deads
5. Kinds of musical entertainment
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > sort of flute
6. Sadness of two natives leaving their homeland
Voice > Man
7. A noise from the natives
8. The natives perform a sort of song
9. Dance and fight exibition
Voice > Woman
Dance > women dance
Body > hands clapping
10. Showing the power of firearms
Noise > gunpowder
11. Fight performances
Body > applause
Voice > Crowd
12. Native's dance
Voice > Man
Dance > Men dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > drums
13. A great dance show by the natives
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > pieces of large bamboo
Voice > Man
Dance > men dance
Voice > Man
Dance > dance with instruments
Voice > Other
Voice > Man
Dance > women dance
Voice > Man
Voice > Other
14. The English make some music
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > French horns
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drum
15. Poulaho's dance
16. A concert with bamboo drums
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > bamboo drums
17. An exibition of the "Haiva"
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > drums
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > naffa
Body > applause
18. The "bomai" or night dances
Dance > bomai dance
19. Lamentations of three women
Voice > Woman
20. An exibition by the English
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > French horns
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > fife
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > drum
21. Boxing and wrestling by the natives
Body > clapping arms
Voice > Crowd
22. The "mai" dances
Dance > mai
23. Bats noise
Animal > bats
24. The "tooge tooge" practice
Body > beating fists on body
25. Bird song
Animal > bird
26. Celebration of the "Natche": the start
Voice > Man
27. Celebration of the "Natche": an oration
Voice > Man
28. Celebration of the "Natche": the ceremony continues
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
29. Celebration of the "Natche": the second day
Body > applause
30. Celebration of the "Natche": a prayer
Voice > Man
31. Celebration of the "Natche": the Chief Priest's prayer
Voice > Man
32. Celebration of the "Natche": words repeated by the crowd
Voice > Crowd
33. Celebration of the "Natche": the last procession
34. Celebration of the "Natche": a sort of singing
Voice > Man
35. Musical instruments of the Friendly Islands
Instrument > 422 Reed Aerophones > reeds
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > flutes
36. The women's dances
Voice > Woman
Voice > Woman
37. Music of the flutes
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > flutes
38. A native blowing in a conch-shell
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > conch-shell
39. The natives say something all together
40. Meeting with a "Eatooas"
Voice > Man
41. A council of the Chiefs of Otaheite
Voice > Man
42. A human sacrifice: first day of the ceremony
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
Voice > Man
Natural > bird
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
Voice > Man
43. A human sacrifice: the second day
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
44. A human sacrifice: the prayer of the "maro"
Voice > Man
45. The "heevas"
Voice > Man
Voice > Woman
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drum
46. A sort of massage to captain Cook
Body > bones cracking
47. Celebration of a solemnity
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Voice > Crowd
48. Omai's prayers
Voice > Man
49. Description of the songs of the natives
50. Tahitian habits
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > conch-shell
51. Natives pray and sing before going on board
53. The musical practice
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > child's rattle
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > hollow vessel
Voice > Woman
54. Natives singing and shaking a sort of rattle
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > rattle
Voice > Man
55. A sort of ceremony before going on board
Voice > Crowd
56. Native's songs from the canoes
Voice > Crowd
57. Singing birds
Natural > bird
58. Some musical instruments of the natives
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > rattle
Instrument > cloak
59. Natives making orations
60. Description of their music
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > rattle
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > whistle
61. Noises made by the natives during the hunt
62. Natives singing
Voice > Crowd
63. Musical instruments of Prince William Sound
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > rattle
64. An alarming noise
Natural > breakers
65. Noise producted by some animals
Natural > Walrus
66. Walrus noise and sea noise
Animal > walrus
Natural > sea
67. Noise of the sea
Natural > sea
68. Natives cry
69. Natives singing
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drum
Voice > Man
70. Hard squalls with thunder
Natural > thunder
71. Thunder and lightning
Natural > thunder
James King completes Cook's third travel
56 sounds
1. Natives singing
Voice > Crowd
2. Ceremony for captain Cook
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Body > finger snapping
Voice > Man
3. Another ceremony for captain Cook
Voice > Man
4. Solemnities for captain Cook
Voice > Man
5. The natives sing their hymns
Voice > Man
6. Natives dancing
Voice > Woman
7. Boxing match
Voice > Crowd
8. Burial of one of the crew
Voice > Crowd
9. A native dances in a comic way
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > rattle
Dance > comic dance
10. The natives shout
Voice > Crowd
11. Muskets fire
Other tool > musket
12. The marines fire
Other tool > weapon
13. Lamentations from the shore
Voice > Crowd
14. Conchs blowing
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > conchs
15. Other lamentations
Voice > Crowd
16. Conchs blowing again
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > conchs
17. Two natives singing
Voice > Man
18. Cries from the shore
Voice > Crowd
19. A native sing a song
Voice > Man
20. A mourning song
Voice > Man
21. A procession with drums
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
22. Natives laughing
23. Noise of some stones throwed
Natural > stones
24. Dances of the Sandwich Islands
Dance > men dance
Dance > women dance
25. Natives sing in parts
26. A rite with drums and singing
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
27. The "ava" ceremony
28. Funeral rites
Voice > Man
Voice > Man
Voice > Woman
29. Funeral rites for ordinary people
Voice > Woman
30. Dogs' howlings
Animal > dogs
31. Sledges little bells
Instrument > 1 Idiophones > small bells
32. Russian dance
Dance > russian dance
33. Kamtschadale dance
Dance > Kamtschadale dance
34. Leaving Bolcheretsk
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > drums
Voice > Crowd
35. Eruption of a volcano
Natural > eruption
36. Gull noise
Animal > gull
37. Walruses bellowing
Animal > walrus
38. The guns of the Discovery
Other tool > guns
39. Too much noise during the hunt
40. A solemn service in the church
Voice > Man
41. Bears' noise
Animal > bear
42. The cry of a kind of duck
Animal > duck
43. Buffaloes' roaring
Animal > buffaloes
44. Crowing of the cocks
Animal > cocks
45. Thunder and lightning
Natural > thunder
Travel of Louis de Grandpré - first book
14 sounds
1. Perception of the language of Congolese people
2. Angola's Coast inhabitants singing
Voice > Crowd
3. Traditional dance and songs of Angola's inhabitants
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambour Congo
Dance > Traditional
4. Analysis of a "mapou" violin
Instrument > 311 Bar Zithers > Violon fait d'un fruit de mapou
5. Wooden and ivory trumpets
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trumpets
6. Prince's passage announcement by a bell
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > gongon
7. The "sanga" procession
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tambour congos
Other tool > Artillery
8. The "cabale" traditional judgement
Voice > Crowd
9. The "saquila" traditional salute
Body > Clapping the hands
10. Congolese military forces dance at drums sounds
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones
11. Mourning cryers
Voice > Woman
Travel of Mungo Park in Western Africa
33 sounds
1. Medina's court singing
Body > Clapping of the hands
Voice > Crowd
2. Mungo Park attendant sings a loud song to thank the King
Body > Striking hands against the forehead
Voice > Other
3. The Mumbo Jumbo
Voice > Man
Voice > Crowd
4. Wrestling match in Koojar
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Bells
Dance > Uses small bells and follows the rhythm of the drum
5. Singing man playing in Ganado
Instrument > 311 Bar Zithers > Bowstring
6. Sensual dances in Joag
Dance > Sensual dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
7. March of singing men in Moulinè
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
Voice > Crowd
8. Kouniakary's inhabitants welcome back their fellow citizen
Voice > Crowd
9. Howling dogs in Solo
Animal > Dogs howling
10. The guides whistles with a bamboo stick
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Hollow piece of bamboo
11. Prayer is announced by music in Guemou
Instrument > 4 Aerophones > Large elephant's teeth
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
12. Feast day in Dilly
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Sort of flute
13. Wedding in Bienou
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
Body > Moving tongue from side to side
14. Shots of victory in Diarra
Other tool > Firing guns
15. A family in Sego sings a song about Mungo Park while working
Voice > Crowd
16. Roar of a lion in Saye
Animal > Lion roaring
17. Muslim cheer at the sight of the new moon
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
Body > Clapping of the hands
Other tool > Firing guns
18. Slaves snap their finger to show their pain
Body > Snapping of fingers
First travel of Marco Augusto Costanzi in Egypt
77 sounds
1. Cavalry accompanying them with drummers and fifes
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
2. Military band plays drums and fifes in Aleppo
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
3. Musical talents of the De Picciotto's daughter
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Pianoforte
Voice > Woman
4. Arabs speak out loud
5. Turks speak out loud
6. Jews as a raging torrent
7. The cries of the jackals
Animal > Jackals
8. The jackals in Alexandria
Animal > Jackals
9. Shouts of boys outside the mosque
Voice > Child
10. Costanzi's hearing problem
Body > Deafness
11. The cafenè with dancers
12. Egyptians' love songs
Voice > Man
13. Women and men sing and dance in Rosetta
14. Singing or whistling increases the pace of camels
Voice > Man
15. The harmonic sound of young females in Cairo
Voice > Woman
16. Songs and music at the Baramos Monastery
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Cimbali
17. The bell of the Coptic monastery
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanella
18. The bell of the dè Soriani monastery
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanella
19. Talking out loud moments
Voice > Man
20. Music accompanying the procession of the bride on the camel
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > "Zampogne"
21. Animal noises in Cairo
Animal > Vultures
Animal > Crow
Animal > Dogs
Animal > Guinea fowl
22. Dances and costumes of dancers in a Cairo neighborhood
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Gnachere spagnuole"
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Dance > Dance of men
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffari"
23. The musical instruments of the bridal procession
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 422.1 Reedpipes with retreating reeds or reeds with lateral/middle cut > "Zampogne a vento"
24. The bride's procession after she was led to the bathhouse
25. Music in the ceremony of circumcision of children
26. The cries that communicate the heights of the Nile
Voice > Man
27. The sad songs of working men collecting water at the well
Voice > Man
28. The echo of stones thrown into wells
Noise > Stone
29. Music and singing for the ceremony of circumcision of children
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Liuti a vento"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Piccoli timpani"
30. The sound of the voice of Nubians and black slaves
31. The noise of the cannons caused the hippos to migrate
Other tool > Artillery
32. The costumes of the Thebaid females
Dance > Dance of women
33. Sound of Memnon's giants
Noise > Memnon's giants
34. The cry of the sheep and the noises from the beaks
Animal > Sheep
35. The bleating of the goats of the Saïd
Animal > Goats
36. The bursting of rifles troubling the crocodiles
Other tool > Artillery
37. Prostitute dancers in a Café
Dance > Dance of women
38. Arriving from the Kiaschef amid shouts from the audience
39. A saying of a bernian poet
Voice > Man
40. The reverberation in the mountains
Natural > Mountain reverb
41. Ramadan eve procession
Body > Clap of hands
42. Entertainment during the eve of Ramadan
43. Farmers sing while working
44. Consul's daughter at the piano
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Pianoforte
45. Costanzi sings at the home of Consul Lazzari
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Pianoforte
46. Costanzi sings accompanied by piano and mandolin
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Mandolino
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Pianoforte
47. Entertainment at the home of Consul Lazzari
48. The departure amid the people's cries of gratitude
Noise > City
Travel of Giovanni Battista Belzoni
50 sounds
1. Arabs dance to the sound of the drum (original source)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
2. Some customs of the Arabs (original source)
3. Dancers at the Pasha's palace (original source)
4. A wedding celebration (original source)
Dance > Dance of men
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
Voice > Man
5. Continuation of the wedding party (original source)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Dance > Dance of men
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
6. The noise of pepper on the tray (original source)
Noise > Pepper on tray
7. Bedouin dance at an Arab festival (original source)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
Dance > Women with daggers
Voice > Man
Body > Clap of hands
8. Resonance of the metal alloy of a vessel (original source)
Noise > Metal object
9. Sound response of the walls (original source)
Noise > Wall's sound
10. Painting with dancers and instruments (original source)
Instrument > 322 Harps > Arpa a nove corde
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flauti
Dance > Dance of 6 women
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarre
Instrument > 322 Harps > Arpa a quattordici corde
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
11. Arabs dance to the sound of the drum (italian translation)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
12. Some customs of the Arabs (italian translation)
13. Dancers at the Pasha's palace (italian translation)
14. A wedding celebration (italian translation)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
Dance > Dances of men
Voice > Man
15. Continuation of the wedding party (italian translation)
Dance > Dance of two men
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
16. The noise of pepper on the tray (italian translation)
Noise > Pepper on tray
17. Bedouin dance at an Arab festival (italian translation)
Voice > Man
Body > Clap of hands
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
Dance > Women with daggers
18. Resonance of the metal alloy of a vessel (italian translation)
Noise > Metal object
19. Sound response of the walls (italian translation)
Noise > Wall's sound
20. Painting with dancers and instruments (italian translation)
Instrument > 322 Harps > Arpa a quattordici corde
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 322 Harps > Arpa a nove corde
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flauti
Dance > Dance of 6 women
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarre
Travel of Sarah Parker-Brown
6 sounds
1. Daud Casheff's wife spoke in a low voice (original source)
Voice > Woman
2. Luxor women scold Sarah by shouting (original source)
Voice > Woman
3. Argument with a woman called the Deviless (original source)
Voice > Woman
4. Daud Casheff's wife spoke in a low voice (italian translation)
Voice > Woman
5. Luxor women scold Sarah by shouting (italian translation)
Voice > Woman
6. Argument with a woman called the Deviless (italian translation)
Voice > Woman
First travel of Girolamo Segato
3 sounds
1. Playful moments during the trip
Voice > Man
2. Moments of singing after a banquet
Voice > Man
Travel of Major William Gray in western africa
30 sounds
1. Night dance and description of a Balafo in Kayaye
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Ballafo
Instrument > Drum
2. The ritual of the Kankourang (circumcision)
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
Voice > Crowd
Body > Clap of hands
3. The king of Wouli is accompanied by griots
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
Voice > Crowd
4. Dance in honor of the king of Wouli
5. A griot praises his patron in Limbambulu
Voice > Man
6. Agonizing person screaming
Voice > Man
7. Description of the Mumbo Jumbo ritual
Voice > Crowd
Voice > Man
8. The Soninke king is announced by music
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
Voice > Crowd
9. Horns call for the battle
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Bugles
10. Monkeys' noise outside Ganado
Animal > Monkeys
11. Fula griots play songs to the explorers
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Sort of guitar
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
Voice > Man
12. Song are made for the capturing of a lion in Koutenabe
Voice > Woman
Body > Clap of hands
13. Cattle noise heard from a distance outside Koutenabe
Animal > Cattle
14. The chief of Dramanè is announced by musicians
Voice > Crowd
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drums
15. Political rally in Dramanè
Voice > Man
Body > Applause
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Drum
16. Laments of a suffering woman
Voice > Woman
First travel of Amalia Sola Nizzoli
40 sounds
1. Confusion in Alexandria
2. A funeral, a bride's court, the Imam chant and the dogs
Voice > Woman
Animal > Dogs
Noise > Bride procession
Voice > Man
3. Shouts and whistles in Alexandria
Animal > Dogs
4. The confusion of an Alexandria building
Voice > Man
Animal > Donkeys
5. The noise of animals at night
Animal > Donkeys
Animal > Dogs
6. The sound of dogs at night
Animal > Dogs
7. Music accompanying the return of Ibraim-pasha
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > "Oboè"
Other tool > Artillery
8. Music in the military pump of Ibram-pasha
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
9. Dancers in Cairo
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Piattini
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
10. Music in the procession for Ibrahim-pasha
11. Shouts at the procession for Ibrahim-pasha
12. Singing of the Muezzin in Siut
Voice > Man
13. Singing of the Muezzin in Cairo
Voice > Man
14. Cairo dance party
15. Performance by a music academy
16. Gerue in Milan to become a dancer
Dance > Dance of men
17. Sounds and noises of a stormy sea
Natural > Sea
Voice > Man
Other tool > Boat
Natural > Waves
Natural > Storm
Natural > Thunder
Natural > Rain
18. The ringing of bells in Livorno
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campane
19. The bell of St. Leopold's lazaret
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campana
Second travel of Girolamo Segato
9 sounds
1. Seven mortar rounds to give courage to a Turkish child
Other tool > Mortar fire
2. The evil eye ritual in Egypt
Voice > Woman
3. Songs and dances at the festival of Muhammad
4. Drums at the procession for the festival of Muhammad
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
5. 100 or more inverted copper conical drums
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
6. Music at work in the city of Qualabseh
Second travel of Marco Augusto Costanzi in Egypt
2 sounds
1. The second low-key farewell in Alexandria
Noise > City
2. A memory of a wedding in Egypt
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi
194 sounds
1. Subterranean noises and rumblings in the Island of Meleda
Natural > Underground
Other tool > Artillery
2. Lyrical ditties in Ragusa
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarra
3. The "colende" sung in Ragusa
4. The shrill sound of the horn of one of the Turkish Dervis
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Gheiz"
5. The minarets: where there are those who cackle a prayer
Voice > Man
6. Some musical instruments in Alexandria
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Eud"
Voice > Man
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > "Ganun"
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Camanghe"
Voice > Man
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tar"
7. Prayer hours shouted from minarets
Voice > Man
8. Dogs barking in Alexandria
Animal > Dogs
9. Chants of Arabs in boats and while working
Voice > Man
10. One man's dance to the sound of a fife
Body > Clap of hands
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffero"
Dance > Dance of men
11. Choir section in the churches of St. Macario and St. Sergio
Other tool > Choir section in church
12. The pendulum clock with bells
Noise > Clock with bells
13. Mass sung by Franciscans
Voice > Man
14. Women's screams over a theft
Voice > Woman
15. The screams of women
Voice > Woman
16. Crashes at the clash with a rowboat
Voice > Man
17. Jackals howls
Animal > Jackals
18. The sound of village walls
Noise > Shards of wall
19. Cackling for sugar
Voice > Man
20. Turkish soldiers
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
21. The sound of thunder
Natural > Thunderstorm
22. Larksong
Animal > Larks
23. Music, dances and the instrument of the lyre
Dance > Acrobat
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lira
Dance > Sword dance
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffero"
24. The sound of chalky granite
Noise > Granite
25. Departure to Qena
Animal > Camel
26. Pyrrhic dance and lyre playing
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lira
Dance > Sword dance
27. Voice of a Turkish man
Voice > Man
28. The procession for St. Ibrahim Kenavi
Other tool > Artillery
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffero"
29. Prosecution of the procession for St. Ibrahim
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Timpani
30. Bell at the monastery door
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Campanella"
31. Nightingale singing in the monastery garden
Animal > Nightingales
32. Cicada sound
Animal > Cicada
33. Carpet delivery procession
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
34. Carpet procession going to Mecca
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Piatti chinesi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburetto"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
35. Camel verse description
Animal > Camel
36. Arabs' love songs
37. Arabian dancers
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
38. Payment of a singer
Voice > Woman
39. Description of the way Copts speak
Voice > Man
40. "Gadri" and "Mauleui" sing their prayers
41. Auctioneers in the quarters of Cairo
Voice > Man
42. Nile cutting party preparation
Other tool > Artillery
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
43. Nile cutting celebration
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburini"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburoni"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Timpanetti"
44. During the Ramadan
45. An old man's account of the city of Cairo
Animal > Sheep
46. The chattering of the children of El-Arich
Voice > Child
47. The bells in Lebanon
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Spranga di ferro"
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campane
48. Use of dances and players from Lebanon
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffero"
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
Dance > Dance of men
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Chitarrino"
49. Muezzin singing in Lebanon
Voice > Man
50. Damascus fur delivery to Emir
Other tool > Artillery
51. The bells of Zahlé's churches
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campane
52. The bells of the stick
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanelli
53. Rite of greeting according to etiquette
54. The verse of the Chameleon
Animal > Chameleon
55. At the Mar-Hanna convent, they sing in Arabic
56. Use of the word interdict for the monks of the convent
Body > Gestures
57. Very harmonious sacred hymns
58. Monk Serafino Susceni was engaged in casting bells
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campane
59. Howls of the jackal
Animal > Jackal
60. Emir's entrance without musical accompaniment
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Other tool > Artillery
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
61. Monk rings the bell if you open the door of the convent
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanella
62. Birdsong brightening the atmosphere
Animal > Birds
63. The dances of the Sacred Fire function
64. Zaġrūṭa of women also told by Herodotus, Homer, and Virgil
Voice > Woman
65. An Italian harpsichord master in Cairo
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Clavicembalo
66. Dancers painted in the pyramid of Khafre
67. The honors usually given to the Bey
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Other tool > Çavuş
68. Quote from Diodorus' description of the ancient Egyptians
69. Nedi's boys' night school
Voice > Child
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
70. Music at the palace from Mahu Bey
Voice > Man
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarra
71. The bellowing of thunder
Natural > Thunder
72. Another bellow of thunder
Natural > Thunder
73. A big "tintimara" to figure out where they were
74. The croaking of the frogs in the village of Zaidab
Animal > Frogs
75. The bellowing of hippos
Animal > Hippos
76. The noise of the thunderstorm
Natural > Thunder
77. The screams of a funeral
Voice > Woman
78. The quality of Arabic song lyrics
79. Dances with indecent movements
Dance > Dance of women
80. Oriental and Egyptian songs celebrate the night
81. Song, music and dance of Arabs and Turks in comparison
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Rabàba"
Body > Clap of hands
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Delluca"
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Zumarra"
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Sufàr"
Dance > Dance of women
Dance > Sword dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nogara"
82. The noises emitted by two monkeys
Animal > Monkeys
83. Dog noises that attract crocodiles
Animal > Crocodiles
Animal > Dogs
84. The outbreak of a thunderstorm and lightning strikes
Natural > Thunder
85. A worm compared to the fourth string of the violin
Animal > Ferentit
86. The speaking in whispers during hearings
Voice > Man
87. The shouts of the auctioneers
Voice > Man
88. The thunder in the distance
Natural > Thunder
89. Screams of witches and warlocks turned into animals
Animal > Hyena
Animal > More animals
90. Three verbs from the Ababdi Arabic dictionary
91. Badìa reads aloud a piece of the Koran
92. The cries of a child who has lost his mother
Voice > Child
93. A particular language that is spoken in Dongola
94. Listen to understand the rules of pronunciation
95. Some terms from the Dongola language dictionary
96. The hyena verse said by "marafin"
Animal > Hyena
97. Pilgrims on their way to Mecca sing to the sound of a drummer
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
98. The comparison between the hyena of Khartoum and the Sennaar
Animal > Hyena
99. The role of the arts in religious ceremonies
100. Nubah movements of the Sennaar infantry
Dance > Acrobatics
Other tool > Shield
101. The role of music in the war
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Corni di gazzella
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nogarà"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Dinghil"
102. Poets, poetry and singers
Other tool > Lituo
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
103. Song, music and dance of Arabs and Turks in comparison
Dance > Sword dance
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lira
Dance > Dance of women
104. Birds sing in the woods
Animal > Birds
105. Dancing and singing at a wedding party
106. A drummer dies in the war
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburo
107. A surgeon's method of suturing thanks to the cries of a cat
Animal > Cat
108. The shackles of the miller crickets at night
Animal > Crickets
109. Using sound to understand coin composition
Other tool > Money
110. The owl's cry as a bad omen
Animal > Owl
111. The rooster's cry in the forest of Queen Senninar
Animal > Rooster
112. Music at night during Ramadan
113. The Sirocco fades the voice
Natural > Sirocco Wind
114. The sound of the hawk's cry from the minarets
Animal > Hawk
115. Small dictionary of the language of the dialect of Mahs
116. A bird quarrels with fellow birds over a place
Animal > Bird
117. The song of a shrill cicada
Animal > Cicada
118. Why does the music of Africans sound like that?
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lira
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > Flauto
Body > Clap of hands
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpano
Second travel of Amalia Sola Nizzoli
74 sounds
1. Comedy told by uncle
2. Night at the harbor of Naples
Natural > Waves
3. The noise of Cairo
Noise > City
4. Voices and sound of kettledrums from the minarets
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
Voice > Man
5. Women in harem
6. The moment of prayer in the harem
Voice > Man
7. The voice of prayer
Voice > Man
8. Singing and dancing as a pastime of women
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
9. Music and dancers to please the groom
Dance > Dance of women
10. Singers and dancers entertain guests
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
11. Wedding party amid singing and dancing
Dance > Dance of women
Voice > Woman
12. Shouts outside the room
Body > Clap of hands
Voice > Woman
13. Singing and dancing at the thermal baths
14. The morning after Rossane's wedding
Dance > Dance of women
15. Musicians and dancers at Rossane's wedding party
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Cembalo"
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
Voice > Woman
16. Music and attention to dancers
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trombette"
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Dance > Dance of women
17. Dance with "castagnette"
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Castagnette"
18. Women's revolt over the payment of a tax
Voice > Woman
Body > Clap of hands
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
19. Music to complete a day
20. Music during the journey
Voice > Man
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Nacchere
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
21. Arab musical bands instructed by European professors
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
22. The bell around the neck of the camel going to Mecca
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > Campanello
23. Musicians in the procession of the sacred carpet
24. Camels with Arab musicians in the sacred procession
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Timpani
25. Music during the Nile flood
26. Players tread the waters of the river
27. Song and dance in the Nile flood festival
Noise > City
Body > Clap of hands
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
28. Flood rite at the Nile river
Dance > Dance of women
29. Music accompanies the Governor at the end of the celebration
30. Dancers during the Nile cutting ceremony
Dance > Dance of women
31. Women's grief at a funeral
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tamburino"
Body > Clap of hands
Voice > Woman
32. Anniversary of the death of a deceased
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburino
Voice > Woman
33. The clarinet manufacturer
Instrument > 422.2 Oboes > Clarinetti
34. The sticks with the bells of the Çavuş
Other tool > Çavuş
35. The use of the sea trumpet
Natural > Waves
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Tromba marina
Natural > Wind
36. A party with music near Smyrna
Natural > Sea
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile
96 sounds
1. The sound of the shepherd's horn in the tribe of Giubba
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Corno
2. The ox horn known as Sciofar
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Sciofar"
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Sofara"
3. The sound of Toski's rocks
Natural > Toski's rocks
4. The sailors' song of joy
Voice > Man
Other tool > Artillery
5. Music, dancing and birdsong in a Dongola garden
Dance > Dance of women
Animal > Birds
6. Dance of women to the sound of clapping hands and the lyre
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Mani di legno"
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Kosserki"
7. Women's dances, songs and movements
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tarabuka"
Dance > Dance of men
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
8. Moment of dance and music
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Lira
Body > Clap of hands
Dance > Dance of woman and man
9. Miani plays for Mr. Peney and his team
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarra
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Piano
Voice > Man
Instrument > 412 Interruptive free Aerophones > Armonica
10. Communication between tribes with the "nugara"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
11. "Adda-bitaa-el-Muraka" sings while she works
Voice > Woman
12. Moments of music and singing on a boat trip
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Chitarra
13. Bells tied to the "Bun"'s belts
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Campanelle"
14. Music and dances from Sudan
Voice > Woman
Instrument > 2 Membranophones > "Tubo ricoperto da pelle"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nughara"
Dance > Dance of women
15. Shouts of women and soldiers
Voice > Woman
Voice > Man
16. The cries of the hippos
Animal > Hippos
17. Dinka song with a reference to an Italian song
18. Dance and musical instruments of the Shilluk
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Frutti di dom"
Instrument > 321 Lutes > "Cetre"
Dance > Sword dance
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Conciglia bivalva"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
19. The meaning of "nugara"'s blows
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
20. Other meanings of "nugara" strokes
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
21. Sound of the skirts of the young girls and their dance
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Gonnella armonica"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Gran tamburo"
Dance > Dance of women
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Anelli di ferro"
22. The skirts of "Dor" women
Other tool
23. Dances and ivory trumpets of the Zande (ethnic group)
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Trombe
24. Dances in honor of the "Nuer" divinity
Dance > Dances for Nauer divinity
25. The song "Tan-majòk" that accompanies the elephant hunt
Voice > Man
26. Three oxen venerated by the "Kic" and their priorities
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Corno
27. "Kic" and "Nuer" use the same song in elephant hunting
Voice > Man
28. Ventrilopes
Voice > Man
29. Songs and dances of "Scir" women
Voice > Woman
Dance > Dance of women
30. Large drum in the Bôr ethnic group
31. Bari clothing names the "kaffira" (skirt with iron pipes)
Instrument > 11 Struck Idiophones > "Kaffira"
32. Sing, music and dance of the Bari ethnic group
Dance > Sword dance
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
33. A trumpet as payment for anchorage at the port
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > "Trombetta"
34. The "nugara" did not work as a call for help
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
35. Commands given to soldiers with fife and drum
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Piffero"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nugara"
36. Dinner with choreographic and vocal accompaniment
37. Players and singers in the house of Miani
38. Moments of dance and song also witnessed thanks to a draftsman
39. Caravan with drums and fifes
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
40. Musical instruments announce the departure of the caravan
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > Tamburi
Instrument > 423 Trumpets > Corni
Instrument > 421 Edge-blown aerophones or flutes > "Pifferi"
41. Miani gets musical instruments and "kaffire"
Other tool > "Kaffire"
42. The noise of goats and lambs
Animal > Goats
Animal > Lambs
43. Music and dances welcome Miani to Gondokoro
44. "Tree of the drum" along the river
Other tool > Albero del tamburo
45. Sounds on departure from Sudan's capital
Other tool > Artillery
Voice > Woman
Voice > Child
Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Nughare"
46. Bird sounds and other animals
Other tool > Artillery
Animal > Birds
47. A moment of music among travelers
Instrument > 321 Lutes > Violino
Instrument > 314 Board Zithers > Piano