Muskets fired to frighten local nomads called Gallas
Short description
Under the threat of assault from the nomad Gallas, the troops of the governor fire against them. The Gallas are frightened and bow down.
Text on source
ولما ضربت البنادق وفيها الرصاص وكان لها صوت عند خروجها هالهم ذلك واستعظموه ولقد رأيناهم مع جمعهم العظيم إذا ضربت البنادق انحطوا رؤوسهم راكعين إلى الأرض ولما وقعت أبصارنا عليهم رأينا صورا قد ألها الله عز و جل وألبسهم لباس الصغر وهم ينظرون إلينا كالمبهوتين يتسللون تسلل الأذلين كأن السلطان لنا عليهم
English translation
When the muskets (banādiḳ) were fired with bullets in them, and they cracked when parting, this frightened them and they regarded it as tremendous, for we saw them, despite their great number, lowering their heads while bowing down to the earth when the muskets (banādiḳ) were fired. And when our eyes fell on them, we saw figures that God had humiliated, clad in the clothing of those who are reduced to submission, while they were looking at us as if they were perplexed. They slipped away, just as humiliated persons do, as if we had power over them.
pp. 126-127
1648 01 05
Observations on the events description
The sound of firing muskets causes the strongest fear in locals. The author notices how this is particularly true for nomads.
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Pintimalli A., "Muskets fired to frighten local nomads called Gallas" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2024 04 07.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.86

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