Sound type
Human event
Instrument type
by Hornbostel-Sachs classification
21 Struck Membranophones
Number of instruments
Instrument name in the source
Musical traditions
Interpretative hypothesis
Today's name for the instrument is "'ṭār" od "Duff". Brocchi translates the name of this instrument as "Cembalo a sonagli". Giovanni Miani draws it as number 3 among the percussion instruments.

Musical content

Giovanni Miani, Egitto Moderno - Strumenti dal percossa (Modern Egypt, Percussion instruments), Venice, Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Museo di Storia Naturale “Giancarlo Ligabue”, Fascicolo 6, Egitto Tavola 2.
An example of ṭār
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How to quote
Murarotto E., "Instrument > 21 Struck Membranophones > "Tar"" (Sound), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2024 02 21.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.25

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