Musical talents of the De Picciotto's daughter
Short description
Marco Augusto Costanzi meets in Aleppo the daughter of Signor Esdra de Picciotto, whom he calls a "horrid Tuscan." Describing his daughter, he also extols her for her piano and singing talents.
Text on source
La regazza oltre ad una singolare avenenza si distingueva in vari rami di educazione, parlava benissimo l'Italiano, il Francese, l'Inglese, il Turco, conosceva con qualche erudizione la lingua Araba, e l'Ebraica, e si distingueva particolarmente nel PianoForte com'anche nel canto.
English translation
f. 824v
1811 circa
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Murarotto E., "Musical talents of the De Picciotto's daughter" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2023 02 02.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.33

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