Please note that all relationships with this element, and all its children will be deleted as well.
What does this mean?
Parent, Children and Cascade deletions
"Children" elements are elements that directly depend on another object (the "parent").
They only have sense in a certain context, and if the context to which they belong is removed, to mantain data meaning and integrity the application provides also the removal of them (now become "orphans").
Take the case of a Travel and of the Events occurred during it.
In this example, deleting a Travel will leave all of its Events meaningless since, taken alone, they would have no context in which to place themselves, nor a way to reach them.
Consequently, the removal of a Travel also causes the elimination - cascading - of all Events that occurred in that Trip.
Note that this operation is not limited to one level of relationship, but proceeds with children of deleted children and so on, until the entire database is freed from unnecessary data.
This lets the user remove all data about a Travel by simply deleting that Travel.
7. Eight trumpets play in the presence of Mr. Sultan
Cairo - Egypt
Eight trumpets play in the presence of Mr. Sultan
Short description
At the last audience eight trumpets began playing in the presence of Mr. Sultan and came playing ahead of the Magnificent Ambassador Domenico Trevisan to his house.
Text on source
Adi 26 fo data la septima et Ultima Audientia In loco dicto el maidan descripto sopra dove il Clarissimo Ambassatore Acompagnato da ambidui li Consuli Vestiti de Veludo Cremesin maniche Ducale fece poche parole al signor Soldano in pigliar licentia da la sua signoria poi fo menato da canto. et spolgiatogli il manto de Veludo cremesin fodrato de Armelini. et rimasto in una vesta pur de Veludo Cremesin maneche strecte fo vestito de una vesta di Veludo cremesin fodrata darmelini ala guisa moresca cum el bavero di Armelini de drieto. fo etiam Vestito il Magnifico Consulo de Alexandria et il Magnifico Messer Marco Antonio figliolo del Clarissimo Oratore, de due veste de una sorte como sarebe depinte. Altre due di liga più bassa pur de seta biancha e negra. forno date Una al Secretario. Laltra al Torziman et Tuti cusi vistiti ritornorno item a la presentia del Signor Soldano et facti li debiti ringraziamenti per il Clarissimo Oratore Tolse lultima Licentia. La qual subito Tolta li nostri 8 Trombeti comenziorno a sonare a la presentia del Signor Soldano et cusi Veneno sonando avanti il Magnifico Ambassatore per fino a caxa dove dimorati per poco spatio si pose a sedere a mensa per disnare. Cum tuta la sua compagnia zioe Cunsoli et mercadanti. fornito il Convito fo recitato una egloga pastorale per 4 nostri zoveni in laude de esso Magnifico Ambassatore.
English translation
ff. 70-71
1512 07 26
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.