Birdsong brightening the atmosphere
Short description
Giovanni Battista Brocchi writes about the singing of birds whose warbles brighten the atmosphere of the grove.
Text on source
Il Lycium barbarum, e segnatamente l'Atriplex Halimus crescono pure ivi in abbondanza, e quei deliziosi boschetti erano popolati da gran numero di angeli che ci rallegravano col loro gorgheggio.
English translation
p. 495
1824 04 14
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Murarotto E., "Birdsong brightening the atmosphere" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2023 03 01.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.25

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