Arabs dance to the sound of the drum (original source)
Short description
Giovanni Battista Belzoni writes that he sees some Arabs who are dancing to the rhythm of tambourines.
Text on source
On our arrival at the Nile it was quite night, and we had to pass several villages to come to a place where we could embark for old Cairo. Our road was through a cluster of palm trees, which by moonlight had a most solemn effect. Some of the Arabs were dancing to the usual tunes on the tambourines ; and, forgetting perhaps the slavish condition in which they are held by the Turks, were happy for a while.
English translation
p. 6
1815 08 circa
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Murarotto E., "Arabs dance to the sound of the drum (original source)" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2025 01 04.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.21

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