The "colende" sung in Ragusa
Short description
Giovanni Battista Brocchi tells oft the "colende" sung in Ragusa on the feasts of their name, and on the vigils of St. Nicholas, Christmas, New Year's Eve and Epiphany.
Text on source
Havvi un uso in Ragusa di cantare all'uscio degli amici nelle feste del loro nome, e particolarmente nelle vigilie di s.Nicola, del Natale, del Capo d'anno e dell'Epifania, certe canzoni, che si chiamano Colende. Terminata la canzone si apre la porta, e s'imbandisce la mensa ai cantori.
English translation
p. 18
1822 10 09
Observations on the events description
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Murarotto E., "The "colende" sung in Ragusa" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2023 01 11.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.25

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