Travel of Sarah Parker-Brown

6. Argument with a woman called the Deviless (italian translation)

File Temples - Egypt
Argument with a woman called the Deviless (italian translation)
Short description
Sarah Parker-Brown argues with a woman called "the Deviless" because she sold her chickens full of worms.
Text on source
Mi avvicinai e ordinai di tacere. La madre, vedendo che non avevo paura, incominciò a urlare spaventosamente, picchiandosi e buttandosi la terra sulla testa e gridando che erano perdute. Me ne andai minacciando di vendicarmi se non mi avessero fatto avere i polli o il denaro.
English translation
p. 73
1817 06 circa
Observations on the events description
In this entry, the passage in Italian translating event no. 3 from the original English edition of Sarah Parker-Brown's travel diary is provided.
The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.

No other participants in this event description.

How to quote
Murarotto E., "Argument with a woman called the Deviless (italian translation)" (Event description), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2023 01 09.

doi: 10.25430/echos.travels.23

This work is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0