Jobson, Richard

The golden trade: or, A discouery of the riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. By Richard Iobson, Gentleman.

London, 1623
The golden trade: or, A discouery of the riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. By Richard Iobson, Gentleman.
Journey tale
Source type
print ( Original )
Manuscript shelfmark
Observations on the source
The golden trade: or, A discouery of the riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. By Richard Iobson, Gentleman.

How to quote
Abbondanza V., "The golden trade: or, A discouery of the riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. By Richard Iobson, Gentleman." (Source), Echos. Sound Ecosystems in Travelogues. Published 2024 04 15.

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