Khartoum - Sudan (Khartum, Chartum)

Place's data
Khartoum - Sudan
Name variants
Khartum, Chartum
Natural space
Artificial space

The dots on the map indicate the places where sound and music events were described. They don't represent travel stages.
Events description
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 76. The noise of the thunderstorm
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 77. The screams of a funeral
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 78. The quality of Arabic song lyrics
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 79. Dances with indecent movements
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 80. Oriental and Egyptian songs celebrate the night
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 81. Song, music and dance of Arabs and Turks in comparison
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 82. The noises emitted by two monkeys
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 83. Dog noises that attract crocodiles
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 84. The outbreak of a thunderstorm and lightning strikes
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 85. A worm compared to the fourth string of the violin
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 86. The speaking in whispers during hearings
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 87. The shouts of the auctioneers
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 88. The thunder in the distance
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 89. Screams of witches and warlocks turned into animals
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 90. Three verbs from the Ababdi Arabic dictionary
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 91. Badìa reads aloud a piece of the Koran
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 92. The cries of a child who has lost his mother
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 93. A particular language that is spoken in Dongola
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 94. Listen to understand the rules of pronunciation
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 95. Some terms from the Dongola language dictionary
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 96. The hyena verse said by "marafin"
Travel of Giovanni Battista Brocchi 118. Why does the music of Africans sound like that?
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 9. Miani plays for Mr. Peney and his team
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 10. Communication between tribes with the "nugara"
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 14. Music and dances from Sudan
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 15. Shouts of women and soldiers
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 16. The cries of the hippos
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 17. Dinka song with a reference to an Italian song
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 44. "Tree of the drum" along the river
Travel of Giovanni Miani towards the sources of the Nile 45. Sounds on departure from Sudan's capital